Bye bitch

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Toby's POV
Hanna was arrested later that day. I took Spencer to the hospital to check out her neck to make sure she was fine. The doctor says it doesn't look like it damaged anything in the neck I took her home. At the hospital she didn't say a word the whole time.
"I'm sorry that happened to you Spence." I say meaning every word.
There was a awkward silence after that.
"Me too." Spencer says breaking the awkwardness "can we go go to your place tonight?"
"Of course but can I ask why?"
"Everything in that house reminds me of my mom and I can't go back their. Not tonight."

*At the police station*
Tanner called us here and I knew for a fact Spencer did not want to be there. Spencer had avoided having to talk to the police for a while and they let her but now Tanner threatened my job if I Spencer didn't come. Spencer knew that, so she went. When Spencer walked in her hands started shaking. I grabbed her hands and look into her beautiful brown orbs.
"You don't have to do this." I say
"Yes I do" she says letting go of my hands and walking into the investigation room. She sits down and I sit right next to her and we hold hands underneath the table. Tanner sits there.
"How are you Spencer." Tanner says
"Better." She responses.
"I'm just going to just ask you some questions ok?"
"So how were you kidnapped?"
"I'm not sure all I know was I was drugged and I don't remember anything after that."
"Where were you before we found you?"
"You mean before Toby found me?"
"Um yes then." Tanner says cautiously.
"Hm here's a question for you, why didn't you use the burner phone to track me down instead of Toby having to do it?" I knew this was going to get ugly really soon because Spencer lets go of my hand and crosses her arms around her chest.
"We where just trying to track you down the normal way."
"So you were just going to let me die!!"
"No, now let me ask the questions."
"Fine. Ask then." Spencer said while giving Tanner a death glare. Honestly Spencer had the best resting bitch face. It was actually real hot. But I can't think about that right now.
"Did you ever see his or her face?"
"You mean their face?"
"Their where two people?"
"So you saw their face?"
"You did?"
"Um, I'm sorry can you not hear me? Or do I need to repeat myself?"
"Why haven't you told us yet?" Tanner says while looking at me and avoiding what Spencer said.
"Don't look at me I didn't know." I say
"That's true. He didn't." Spencer says defending me.
"Ok then who did this to you?" Tanner says.
"I can't tell you."
"Why not?"
"I'm sorry but I can't."
"Why not!!"
"Because I can't. Can't you get that through your poofy hair?" It took me every muscle in my body to keep me from laughing.
"TELL ME WHO DID THIS" Tanner is on her feet now.
"She said she DIDN'T KNOW!!" I scream at her not regretting a single word. I'm over Tanner harassing Spencer.
"Do you want to lose you job?"
"Actually she my girlfriend and I love her and ye-" I start to say but Spencer interrupts me.
"Toby?" Spencer says.
"Yes." I say.
"Can you leave for a minute and go wait in the car?"
"Of course babe." I give her a quick kiss on her forehead and walk out frustrated. No one can talk to Spencer like that. I love Spencer so much that she would do that for me.

I see Spencer walking down the steps of the police station 10 minutes later and see her with tears in her eyes. I can tell that was really hard for her. I see her struggling down the steps of the police station on her crutches. I get out and run to her to help her. I end up just carrying her into the car.
"Do you want to go anywhere? I will take you anywhere." Honestly I would take her to the moon if she wanted.
"No lets just go home."
We sit down and finish watching Grey's Anatomy that she missed when she was kidnapped. But in the middle of a scene the doorbell rings. Spencer pauses it and I get up because her crutches are in the other room. I open the door and I'm so surprised when I see two of the police officers I work with, with a very solemn look on their face.
"What's wrong?" I say as I see Spencer hopping on one foot to the door.
"Tanner was murdered."

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