Time To Say Goodbye

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Hospital Guard's POV
My job is normally really boring and I don't pay attention to shit on my screen but I look up and see on the first floor some girl dragging some dude onto the elevator. I grab my gun and run as fast as I can towards the door. I don't see anyone but I do see a car driving way too fast down the street. I take a picture of the license plate and grab my keys and follow after her.

Toby's POV
I wake up to the sound of sirens and a bunch of police officers untying me.
"What happened, where's Emily?" I say
"Don't worry she is in custody. You can press charges if you want."
"Don't put her in jail but she needs help."

*Three Years Later*
I enter the after-loss broken and shattered. It's like I had this big bag of fragments I once called life and dumped them in the middle of this life and said "Here this is all I have left what can I do with this. Yvonne is in jail for the rest of her life and Emily is still at Radley Sanitarium getting the help she needs. People say it takes 6 years to get over the death of someone you love but I don't think I will ever get over Spencer's death. They say time heals all wounds but this wound is not healable. I'm unsure which pain was worse. The initial shock of what happened of what never will. Her picture is still by my bed and on the worst days I sit in the rocking chair I made her and sob with all I have left in me. Goodbyes hurt the worst when the story wasn't finished.

AND THAT WAS THEN END thank you to everyone who read this whole book I'm sorry it took me forever to update.

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