Ice cream

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Spencer's POV
Running. Painting. Screaming. Bleeding. I wake up with a jolt breathing heavily. And Toby rushes to my side.
"Your okay Spencer, your okay."
He always knows what to say to me when I have nightmares. Every night after the dollhouse I would wake up screaming and if he was there he would bring me ice cream and we would sit down and watch a movie and if he was at work I would call him and he would comfort me over the phone. But every once in a while when I had a nightmare and he was at work, he would come all the way from Rosewood to Georgetown. I would always tell him no and to stay at work but he would come anyways and that's what I loved about him. He calls a nurse in here and says.
"Can you bring us some mint chocolate ice cream and figure out how to hook up Netflix to this TV?"
"Of course." The nurse says.
I smile because he remembers. Another nurse walks in and says "someone is here to see you."
"Who I ask." Then I see little Amy Drake skipping into the room. She runs and jumps into my arms. She's ok I think.
"Oh my god your okay." I say smiling.
"So are you." She says.
"I know what happened to my parents." she says "thank you for not telling me."
"Why thank you?" I ask
"Because I don't know what I would do if I knew while I was stuck in there." I give her one last hug and she skips out.
"She's really sweet." Toby says
"Yah." I say
It was silence for a while. I don't know why I thought about this or why I said this but I said
"I never thought I was to cool to be with a cop." I say.
"What?!" He asks.
"When we broke up and I asked you about going back to school you asked me if I didn't want to be with a cop. The really reason I thought you wanted to go back to school was because you became a cop to protect me and I was safe then so I just thought maybe you wanted to go became to being a carpenter."
He walks over to me and puts his hands on the side of my face and is about to kiss me but then the nurse walks in and hands me my ice cream. The rest of the day it's awkward.

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