
983 27 1

Toby's POV
I steal the burner phone out of the drawer and turn it on to see what the last location was and it started moving and then it said previous location and it was someplace on the outside of Philly which is about three hours away. I grab my bag and my keys and run to the car and start driving away. I knew what I just did I was probably going to get fired for but I needed to find Spencer no matter what the costs. I arrive at this big house with a really big yard. I get out my gun. But I see a pile of dirt. I walk over to it and see part of a finger sticking out of the ground. I run over there. I saw the perfectly manicured nails and knew who it was. Spencer. I start digging as fast as I could. Dirt getting all over my face and body. I see the top off her head and pull her out. I check her pulse. None. I call 911 and tell them to get here. I didn't realize it until I looked at my shirt and it was soaked because I was sobbing uncontrollably and couldn't stop. The ambulance arrived. They took her into the ambulance and I went into the ambulance also. I held her hand the whole way and I couldn't get over how cold she was. I started praying for her to live. I can't  live without her.

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