
632 21 27

Unknown/A's POV
I run my dark hair through my fingers. I have always loved Toby and Spencer was getting in the way. So I had to eliminate a threat. I look around my lair at all the pictures of Toby, pieces of Toby's hair, and some of his favorite things. For example his and Spencer's scrabble board.

I grab it and throw it into the fire place. I chuckle as I watch flames engulf the board. People may think I'm obsessed but it's really just love. I've loved him for years. Love makes you crazy. I pretend to be someone different but the whole time I'm thinking about him. I look into the mirror at my tan skin. I look over at my sister, well we didn't know we were sisters until recently. We look alike, the dark hair and eyes. The only difference is my swimmer body. We both look in the mirror. It's not common that two sisters love the same man but it happened for us. Yvonne is over him but still wants revenge. She got me the gun. She got me the bullets. She help me get my revenge. I act full on gay but I'm bi and I get what I want, and what I want is Toby Cavanaugh. Emily Cavanaugh has a good ring to it, doesn't it?

OMG I hate myself for even writhing this. Don't hate me btw I DO NOT SHIP EMILY AND TOBY EWW

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