The first day of school: Chapter 2

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Cas POV:
"Castiel get up and get ready for school" I heared my dad yell. After waiting for a few minutes I rolled out of bed and jumped in the shower. After getting out of the shower, I got dressed and went down stairs to eat some breakfast.

My dad was making pancakes when I came down. I sat down at the table and waited for the pancakes to be finished.

10 minutes later my brother Gabriel came down the stairs and looked up and saw pancakes, he ran towards them and started pouring a lot of maple syrup on them. When Gabriel started eating, I thought to myself that Gabriel was a sugar freak and needs help. I shake my head and went back to eating.

I finished eating and went back upstaris to brush his teeth and comb my hair, which didn't work out that well. I looked at the time and I only had two minutes to get to school. I ran downstairs and yelled for Gabriel "Come on Gabe we are going to be late again." Gabe walked down the stairs and smirking at me and said "lead the way Cassie" and pulled out a red sucker. Castiel gave Gabriel a glare and went outside to there car and left to go to school.

Deans POV:
I woke up to my alarm blaring Carry on my way by Kansas, one of my favourite bands. I got up and showerd, got dreesed, brushed my teeth and spiked up my hair a bit. I walked down the stairs and started cooking some eggs and bacon for myself and my little brother, Sam.

My dad and mom already left for work so me and Sam where all alone. I finished cooking and ran up stairs to wake up my brother. I walked in and saw that my brother was sleeping peacefully on his soft bed.

I walked up and pulled Sam's covers off and pushed him off the bed. Sam sat straight up and saw me silently laughing at him. "You jerk" Sam said with his famous bitch face. I gave him a smirk and said "bitch." I signed to my brother that breakfast was ready and had to leave for school in 20 minutes.

I sat at the kitchen table and started eating and about 10 minutes later Sam was all showerd and dressed and hair brushed. He sat down and ate some food, I looked at my phone and saw that we had to leave. "Sammy we have to leave for school" I said looking down.

Sam walked up to him and said "we are going to be okay, and don't call me Sammy, its Sam" Sam said with grin on his face. I looked up and smiled at my brother. He always makes my day. Me and Sam grabbed are backpacks and walked outside to the 1967 Chevy Impala. In other words, my baby.

Me and dad fixed her up and my dad gave it to me for my 16th birthday, I thought to myself about the memory. I got into the drivers seat and Sam got into the passenger seat and I drove off to our first day of school.

One day at a time (Destiel and Sabriel high school AU)Where stories live. Discover now