Secrets be told: Chapter 12

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Dean POV:
Me and Cas kept leaning in closer and closer. I can do it. Our lips were almost touching. I grabbed him by the neck and pulled him in. Our lips finally touched. It was different then all the other times I kissed someone. It was nice, caring, soft and passionate. It was amazing. I held onto him tight like he would vanish somewhere.

Cas POV:
I am kissing Dean Winchester and it is amazing. I never kissed someone like that before. He held on to me tight like I would leave. We finally let go, our foreheads touching. We were out of breath. We heared people talking but we wouldn't let go of eachother. We were both staring at eachother not saying anything.

Sam POV:
"I bet you 20 bucks that they will be together by the end of the week" I heared Gabe say and I turned and laughed at him "I bet you 20 that they will be together by at least tommorow" I said. He laughed and we shaked hands.  Gabe was telling me how he was going to win and that I was wrong. I laughed at him. We cleaned up the mess and Gabe was still saying I will lose. I walked into the kitchen and saw Dean and Cas kissing. I looked at Gabe and he looked in shock. I laughed at him and he gave me my 20 bucks. I looked back at Dean and Cas and they were staring at eachother not saying anything. We walked to the table and I started to yell "I win, you loss" I kept saying. I was laughing so hard. Cas and Dean finally looked away from each other and looked at us. "Did you guys bet on us?" Dean asked. "Yea, it was either you guys would be together tommorow or by the end of the week. I bet tommorow." I smiled at my victory. "Well technically we are not together yet" I heared Cas say. Me, Gabe and Dean looked at him in shock.

Cas POV:
"Well technically we are not together yet" I said to Sam. Everyone looked at me in shock. I looked to Dean and he looked sad and confused. I grabbed him by the neck and pulled him towards me and I kissed him. We let go and he looked at me. I whisperd to him. "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" I asked. "Yes" he said firmly. I laughed and pulled him in for another kiss. After a few minutes of kissing we got interrupted by someone coughing. Sam and Gabe were sitting there awkwardly. "Let's go swimming" Dean said out of nowhere. Dean grabbed me by my hand and pulled me upstairs to his room. When we got there he still had his hand interlocked with mine. "Did you remember to bring your bathing suit?" He asked. I nodded. And went to my bag to grab it. I looked back and saw Dean walk into the bathroom to change. I started to get undress. I stopped when I felt something wrapped around my waist. I looked back and it was Dean. He kept smiling and wouldn't let go, so I continued to change. I finished and I turned around with Dean still wrapped around me. I smiled at him and kissed him. It was nice but then it got interrupted with Gabe running in and yelling "let's go people, stop your kissing and let's go swimming" I glared at my baby brother. Dean laughed at me and grabbed my hand. We walked down stairs and went out side. I got to the side of the pool. I bent down to see if its warm and when I did I felt someone slap my ass. I looked up to see who it was. Dean. He was looking at me and smiled. I stood up and looked at him, I kissed him to keep him distracted, I wanted to keep kissing but I have to do something to get back at him. I walked him towards the side of the pool and I pushed him in. He swam up and looked at me in shock. "That's what you get" I said laughing he got out and walked towards me. He kissed my check and pushed me in. I swam up and Dean jumped in. Gabe and Sam jumped as well. We played for a while until Mary and John called us in. We got out and went into the kitchen, to get something to eat. I looked to the counter and saw at least 3 box of pizza. Dean grabbed a box and Sam grabbed one to. Dean grabbed my hand and walked to his room. He sat on his bed with me beside him. Dean grabbed his remote and we started watching batman. We laid down on the bed and ate pizza watching the movie.

The movie finished and so did the pizza. We got up and got  dreesed into our PJs. We got into bed. I laid my head on Dean's chest and his arm wrapped around protectively. I was about to fall asleep so I kissed Dean on the lips. We pulled away and we were looking at eachother. "Night Dean" I said "night Cas" Dean kissed the top of my head. We feel asleep but something happened that took me for shock in the middle of the night.

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