Home: Chapter 25

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Dean POV:
I woke up in my hospital bed with Cas still beside me. I smiled at the sight. I cuddled into him more and feel back asleep smiling.

Cas POV:
I felt Dean shuffle and his arm wrapped around me. I woke up and saw him still cuddling me. I smiled at him. Dean was still asleep when Sam and his parents walked in. I waved at them and they waved back. We were talking quitely so we don't wake up Dean. The doctor came in and started to talk. "Dean can go home today and go to school but he has to take it easy. He can't play any sports for a little while and he can walk but he has to do it slowly. I will give Dean a note saying he has to take it easy, so he could give it to the teacher." We all nodded. I looked back to Dean as the doctor kept talking to John and Mary. Sam came up on the other side of Dean and started to talk to me. "When ever I was upset he would always comfort me no matter what. Even if he got hurt. He will always put anyone else's needs before his own. Cas, he can be stubborn so please take care of him when I am not around. He won't want anyone's help because he thinks that he will make someone upset. So just don't help him unless he asks for it or if he needs it badly. Also Dean trusts you. He has never trusted anyone in a long time, so thank you." Sam said. I nodded at Sam. I looked back down when I felt Dean move. He opened his eyes slowly. I smiled at him and he smiled at me. "Hey angel" Dean whispered. I kissed him on the lips and smiled when he grabbed my neck to pull me in for more. We heared a cough and we let go. Sam was standing there awkwardly. The doctor explained everything that he told us to Dean. Dean nodded as he was listening. "Okay, so I will get the paperwork so you can leave tonight. That means you are going to have to go to school tommorow, so I will give you some medication for the pain if you need it" Dean nodded. The doctor nodded back and walked out. "Dean, they caught him. You don't have to worry about him anymore" his mom said. Dean looked happy but then it turned into anger. He looked at me and started to talk. "What happened to my baby? How is she?" He asked. I looked up at his parents and then Sam. They look sad "It was smashed Dean. Me and Bobby are fixing it but it will take awhile" John said. I looked back to Dean. He just nodded and brought his head back on my chest. I smiled at him. We were watching TV when Gabe came into the room. He hasn't seen Dean since he woke up. They keep asking eachother how they are but they never see eachother. He walked in shyly. I looked at him same with Sam. We smiled. Sam got up and hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. Which caused Gabe to smile and blush. He looked at me and then Dean. I looked back at Dean. He was to into the show we were watching called Dr. Sexy MD that he didn't even notice Gabe. I nudged him and he looked up. I pointed at Gabe. Once he saw him. He sat straight up which caused his parents to look at him and Dean clutching his rib. I sat up with him and rubbed his back to comfort him. I looked to Gabe, he was looking down. He looked to Sam, me and his parents. "Can I talk to him alone?" Gabe asked. We all noddeed, we walked away. I turned around to shut the door and I saw Gabe walk over to him. I wonder what happened?

One day at a time (Destiel and Sabriel high school AU)Where stories live. Discover now