Betrayed: Chapter 14

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Gabe POV:
I promised Cas I would be there for Sam but I can't right now. What he said to Dean got to me. I would never say that to my brothers, even if I was mad at them. I walked to Deans room and I saw the door open. Cas is knocking on the bathroom. "Cas?" I asked. He looked at me with tears in his eyes. I ran up to him and hugged him. "I told him he could trust Sam and that he will be there for him. I was wrong and now Dean is locked in the bathroom and he won't come out" Cas whispered to me. "Shh Cas, its okay. Go get a drink of water and I'll try my best to get him out. Okay?" I asked. He nodded and left.

Dean POV:
I wanted to let Cas in really, but I was so upset and I wanted to be alone. I heard Gabe telling Cas to leave to get a glass of water and I will try and get him out. I heared the door shut and foot steps coming closer to the bathroom door.
"Dean, don't make me sing the frozen song. Let me in" Gabe said. I started to laugh. "Fine I will sing it, but I am not that good" I laughed again and stood up from where I am. I hesitantly opened the door. "Thank God, I didn't want to sing the song" I smiled slightly. I sat back on the ground to where I was and Gabe followed. "Are you okay?" "No, I just lost one of the most important people in my life and I can't handle it" I said with tears in my eyes. Gabe hugged me. "Hey, its okay. He will come to his senses soon. He is probably just upset that he couldn't help you" I nodded still crying. I heared the door open. I looked up and I saw Cas. Cas saw I was crying and walked over to me. "Hey baby. Are you okay? He asked. I shrugged. He looked up at Gabe "you may want to talk to Sam. I know you are pissed off at him right now but he might need someone" I looked at Gabe and nodded. He stood up and left my room. Its just me and Cas. "I'm sorry I locked myself in the bathroom I was just scared and sad. I lost one of the most important person in my life" I said. "Hey, don't worry. Everything should be okay. I am here for you" Cas said. "Honey, whats going on." I looked up and I saw my mom. She saw that I had tears in my eyes and ran over towards me. I told her everything that just happened including that me and Cas are dating. "Well I am happy for you guys, but I really need to talk to Sam" I nodded and she left. Cas was hugging me now. "Come on, let's get you into bed" he said. I nodded and stood up. We walked towards my bed. Cas layed down first and I layed down beside him. My arm wrapped around him tightly and my head in his shoulder. He was rubbing his hand on my back. I slowly fell asleep.

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