Lunch: Chapter 5

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Cas POV:
2nd period class was just a blank memory, I don't remember what Miss. Ruby my English teacher, had said during the whole lesson. The 3rd period class was just the same. Mrs. Anna my math teacher is nice but who likes math.

The bell rang which means LUNCH!!! I ran out of the class room and into the cafeteria. I looked at the specials and saw that it was hamburgers and fries. I grabbed the plate and start walking over to my group of friends. Charlie, Kevin, Adam Crowley, Benny and my little Gabe. "Hey guys, hows it going?"they all said hi until Gabe started to stand up. Everyone looked over at Gabe who just got up and ran towards so dude.

I turned around to see what the hell was he doing. He was talking to Dean and some tall guy. I saw Dean do something with his hands and the other guy doing something back.

He looked back to Gabe and nodded. Gabe smiled and ran back to our table, he told us that they are coming to sit with us. I froze when he said that.

I turned around again and saw that they got closer and started to grab chairs to sit in. I sat up straight and coughed awkwardly. They finally made it and sat down. Gabe stood up to introduce us. " This is my brother Castiel, Adam, Crowley, Charlie, Benny and Kevin" he pointed to each one of us "and this is Sam and I don't know who you are" "This is Dean, he is my older brother" Sam said. "Ahh well nice to meet you Deano, I'm Gabe" Gabe slapped his back. Bad mistake.

Deans POV:
Fine we will go over there I signed to Sam and he looked back to the person in front of him and nodded. He ran back to the table. We started walking towards them and grabbed chairs on the way so we could sit and eat. We sat down and the short kid started to introduce people to us. "This is my brother Castiel, Adam, Crowley, Charlie, Benny and Kevin" the shorty said. "Everyone this is Sam and I don't know who you are." He pointed at me, I started to freak out on the inside. Sam spoke "this is Dean, he is my older brother." The shorter one stood up and said "well it's nice to meet you Deano I'm Gabe" he said patting my back.

I froze and started to shake which Gabe noticed right away and asked if I was all right. I am having another panic attack and it is a big one. Oh no. Benny and Charlie walked over to me and put there hands on my shoulder. I started to shake even more and within seconds Sam was by my side. He pushed everyone off of me and I was still panicking. Everyone looked at me with scared and confusion all over there faces.

My panic attack grew more when I saw other students looking at me. I pushed Sam off of me and I ran towards a tree that is outside near the school. I was still freaking out and it was getting hard to breathe and I just passed out from lack of air. All I remember was someone calling my name.

Sam's POV:
I was so happy that Dean was okay with sitting with me at Gabe's table. Gabe introduce us to his friends. Then Gabe introduced us and that is when it all went south. He introduced me but didn't know Deans name so I introduced him. "Well it's nice to meet you Deano, I'm gabe" I saw the fear in Deans eyes. He started to shake and I saw that Gabe was patting his back, oh no. But before I could do anything Benny and Charlie put there hands on his shoulders and he started to freak out more. I ran to his side within seconds and pushed everyone off of him. He started to look around that's when he pushed me off and ran outside. Thats when I stood up and started to run outside until Charlie, Benny, Adam, Gabriel Kevin and Castiel stopped me and pulled me aside. "What the hell was that" Castiel asked.

I started to think if I should tell them or not. "I don't know if I should tell you. I don't know if I can trust you yet" everyone scared and shocked. I looked down to avoid everyone's gaze. "Sam, you can trust us with anything we won't tell a living soul" Sam looked up when he saw everyone nod. He thought for a moment, could they be trusted. I thought about the pros and cons about telling them me and Deans secret. But I decided that I could trust them.

I sat down and everyone gathered around me. "It all started at me and Deans old school, me and Dean didn't like to hide in the closet, if you know what I mean" they nodded so I continued. "Our school was very homophobic so when we told our school that we are gay. They started to pick on me and Dean. Dean got it worse because he wanted to protect me.

One day he got pretty badly beaten up. He had bruises all over his face a broken arm and leg and he had cuts all a cross his arms. I walked around the corner and saw him lying there. He was unconscious. I ran over to him to see if he was ok. I tried to get him up but he didn't move so I called 9-1-1. The ambulance got him up in the stretcher and took him to the hospital.

He need surgery and everything. When the doctor came back out he sat me down. He said that he was going to be fine, but would probably have a series of panic attacks because when he woke up with people touching him he started to freak. When you guys touched him he probably thought back to that day of him getting hurt. Dean still has not told me what happened that day and he said he never will.

He got a lot of threats saying if he ever talked again they would kill me and my family while he watches and not do anything about it. That's why he doesn't talk. He talked to me a couple of times when we are alone but he never spoke proper paragraphs just a few words and short sentences. My parents had been suspicious after Dean came home with a broken arm again. They sat us down and made us confess that we like boys more than girl and that's the reason we got bullied. My mom and dad where so angry at them selfs because they couldn't help us so thats when my parents decided to try a new life. We moved here. My dad and Dean are mechanics, I stack libary shelfs and my mom is a nurse at the local hospital.

We now live in a small white house with a pool in the back. I don't know why I'm telling all you guys this but I feel like I can trust yous so please don't break that trust. Someone already did that to me once and it hurt me, please don't." I started to cry at this point. Gabe sat down beside me and hugged me and said that I was going to be okay. You can trust us.

I smiled up at Gabe and then realized Dean has been gone for about 10 minutes I started to freak out again. "Where is Dean? He would have been back by now but he isn't" I started to cry even more. Cas and Charlie stood up from there spots. "Don't worry Sam we will find him. Me and Charlie will go outside and look for him, you should get to class" Castiel said. I nodded and stood up and whipped my tears and walked to my classroom with Gabe close behind me.

When I reached my classroom I turned to Gabe. "Thanks for being there for me when I need it" he nodded. I turned around to walk inside but Gabe stopped me. I turned around to look at him. I saw a sad look access his face. "What did the bullies do to you?" Gabe asked. I shrugged "I was to tall back. They thought I would crush them so the never physically hit me but they did verbally. They called me some bad names. That is mostly it but sometimes the bullies would try and hit me but Dean would always step in and take the beating for me. He got both."

Gabe was confused. Sam looked down and started to talk again "he got verbally abused and physically abused, he never had it good. He always helped me, believed in me and protected me. He was there for me when I needed it and now I abandoned him."

Narrator POV:
Gabe felt guilty. He was the one that started this. He looked down in shame when Sam looked up. Sam put his hand on his shoulder and started to talk. "Don't worry it isn't your fault that he started to panic, its just that he isn't used to it. He doesn't even let me touch him or our parents. He has always been that way since that day. When he got out of the hospital he wouldn't talk to us, he locked himself in his room and stayed there for a week. He didn't even eat. He didn't tell us why. But one day he told me. He made me promise not to tell our parents. So me and him and I guess you guys know the reason. Don't tell anyone please just remember it is not your fault that he panicked." Gabe looked up and nodded. Sam smiled and went into class. But Gabe was still guilty so he went outside to try and find Dean so he could apologize.

One day at a time (Destiel and Sabriel high school AU)Where stories live. Discover now