Have courage: Chapter 11

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Cas POV:
I finally got to Deans house. Me and Gabe grabbed our stuff and walked to the door. Sam opened it and smiled at us and let us in. "Dean is in his room getting stuff out for that project you guys are working on" Sam said. I nodded and asked which room is it. "Go upstairs, it will be the first room on the left" Sam said "thanks Sam." He nodded and I went upstairs. I knocked on Dean's door. I heared him talk. "Sam, I can't talk right n-" he opened the door and saw me. I looked down and he was shirtless. He had abs but you can see scars all over his body. Words on his body that you can tell that was made out of the knife. Dean ran to his closest and put on his shirt. He was blushing, it was cute. "Sorry Cas, I didn't know it was you. Come on in. You can sit on my bed, I just have to take a shower. I was working on my car before you got here" he said. I nodded came in and sat on his bed. He disappeared and I heared the water run. I grabbed my phone and started to play candy crush to wait for Dean. I heared the water stop and Dean walked out a few minutes late fully clothed. "So, do you want to work on the project right now?" I nodded. We went down stairs to the kitchen table and started our work. We finally finished. We looked at eachother. "You hungry?" Dean asked. "Yea, kinda. Do you have any pizza?" I saw him nod. He got to the freezer. He bend down and I could see scars on his back. I walked over to him and I hesitantly put my hand on his back. He flinched and turned around and saw me. He relaxed a little. I looked at his eyes and he looked at mine. We were both leaning in closer and closer but then it got interrupted by someone smashing something. Then I heared Sam yell at my brother. "Oh my god. Gabe what the hell?" "Hey I am innocent. I didn't do it, maybe it was your dog?" Gabe said. "We don't have a dog you dumbass" Sam laughed. I looked back at Dean and he looked back at me. "Cas, why the hell does your brother like candy?" I heared him say. Me and Dean backed away from eachother before anyone could see. As soon as I did, Sam was pulling Gabe behind him. He stopped in the kitchen and grabbed a broom and a dust pan. "You better clean that glass up before someone steps on it you stupid idiot" Sam said to my brother. I laughed at them. They went back to living room and I looked back at Dean. I saw his eyes trialing down my body. "You like?" I asked and he looked back up and he was blushing. "Umm, maybe" he answered and now it was my turn to blush. I saw a smile on his face. We started to walk forwards to eachother. We are still looking deep in our eyes.

Dean POV:
My scars on my back were being touched I flinched and turned around, it was Cas. I looked at him and he was looking at me. he started to lean in and then I started to lean in. WE ARE ABOUT TO KISS!! my thoughts kept saying but then I heared Sam yelling at Gabe. Me and Cas backed away from eachother when we heared Sam coming closer. Sam kept yelling at Gabe about something about cleaning up a mess. I looked at Cas and he was laughing at them so I took the time to look at Cas's body. He looked so beautiful. "You like?" I looked up and I could tell I was blushing, my face was so hot. I want to be confident so I answered back. "Umm, maybe" I said and he was blushing now. I walked closer to him and he walked closer to me. We were so close. I can do it, I kept saying in
my head. I got the couraged to do it. We completely forgot that we where hungry. We finally got close.

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