Best day: Chapter 24

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Sam POV:
Gabe, my parents and myself was sitting on the couch watching TV. I didn't go to school so Gabe give me all my homework. The teachers understand why I'm not in school. We were watching the news. I was day dreaming about what would happen if Dean woke up but then it got interrupted by a phone ringing. Me and my parents looked at him as he got his phone. "Its Cas" he said. We all know that Cas never calls unless it is important. So Gabe answered and put it on speaker. I was out of it until I heared someone say Dean and awake. I looked at Gabe and he smiled. He blocked his speaker on the phone and whispered to me. "Dean is awake and he wants to talk to you." I jumped of on the ground and grabbed Gabes phone.
"Dean! Your ok!?" I yelled. I heard Dean and Cas chuckled. "Yeah, I'm good Sammy. I'm sorry I scared you. I missed you so much. All of you guys. But can anyone ask me how long I was out?" Dean asked. "1 month. Ha, beat you to it Cassie" I heared Gabe yell. I looked down and saw that he was standing up. He glared at me and I gave him a confused look. My parents whispered to me "tell him we are coming now" I nodded. "We will be there soon Dean. I love you." I said "love you guys to. Including Gabe I guess." Dean said while he was laughing. "Yay he loves me!" Gabe yelled into the phone before Dean hung up. I looked at Gabe and he was still glaring at me. "What did I do?" I asked. "When you grabbed my phone, you grabbed my hand a little to hard and pulled me on the ground. When you did that you broke my favourite sucker. Red" he said holding up his sucker. He looked so sad. I laughed at him and he glared. I walked into the kitchen and went to the cupboards I grabbed a secret stash of candy and grabbed a red sucker. I walked back to the living room and gave him the sucker. I kissed him on the lips and then hugged him. I whisperd in his ear. "Are you happy now?" I said. I went down and kissed his neck. I felt him nod. "Yes but now I feel uncomfortable because your parents are standing behind you waiting for you to stop kissing me." I laughed and let go of him. He smiled at me and I smiled back. "Now, I want to see my brother" I said. I grabbed my jacket and Gabe's hand. We walked to the car and got in and drove to the hospital. We arrived and I was getting excited to see Dean. He looked so lifeless a few days ago when I saw him last and now I get to see him awake and hopefully ok. I walked into the room and saw my brother. He was sitting on the bed, laughing with Cas. Dean looked behind Cas when I shut the door. I smiled at him and he smiled at me. "Hey, Sammy. Long time no see" he said. I laughed and walked up to him. I was a little surprised when I got grabbed into a hug. I hugged back. "I missed you. You have know idea." I said. He laughed "I kinda do know." He said. I pulled away and looked at him. He smiled at me. "I could still hear you guys talking to me, I just couldn't open my eyes or move anything." I smiled at him. I looked back to my parents. They walked up to us and hugged us. "We love you guys" my mom and dad said at the same time. We pulled away when we heared crying. I looked behind Dean and saw Cas in tears. Dean turned around saw Cas as well. I looked to Gabe and he looks confused and scared.

Cas POV:
When I was watching Dean hug his brother and his parents I couldn't help but to cry. I sat on the bed. I saw Dean look at me. He sat beside me and started rubbing my back. He was comforting me until I stopped crying. I looked at Gabe "mom" I said. He looked confused. "What? Cas I don't get it" he said. "I remember this happening to mom and us. We were little but I remember a few things. That day she passed away. Me and you were playing and we both got stung by a bee. We both were crying. Mom came out and walked up to us and hugged us like what they just did and now I am crying. This, everything that happened, reminds me of what happened with mom" I said. I looked at Dean and he grabbed my face and kissed me. I was still crying but not as much. "I love you. You are going to be ok. I will be here for you. I love you so much." Dean said I smiled at him and he smiled back. He whipped my tears. I felt a hand on my back. I looked up and saw Gabe standing there. "You ok?" He asked. I shrugged. He pulled me up of the bed and hugged me and I smiled and hugged back. "I love you" he said quietly "I love you to" I said back. We pulled away and smiled. I felt Deans arms around my waist. I looked at him and he looks sleepy. "You are tired aren't you?" I asked. He looked at me. "Yes. But if that makes you leave then no, I am not tired" I smiled at him. "Okay, that is cute. Why can't you be that cute Sam?" Gabe said. Sam glared at Gabe and Gabe laughed. "Actually you will be surprised. When we first meet you guys. Sammy here learned you loved candy. He bought a lot of candy from the money he saved up" Dean said. Gabe looked at Sam and saw him blushing. Gabe walked up to him. "You really did that for me?" He asked. Sam nodded looking down. Gabe grabbed his face and kissed him. They pulled away. "I love you Sammy" Gabe said. "I love you to but if you ever call me Sammy again I will smack you and eat all your candy." Sam said. We all bursted out of laughter. I stopped laughing when I felt something hot on my neck. I looked back. It was Dean. His head was on my shoulder. His eyes were closed. I smiled at him. "Dean." He just pushed his face into my neck more. "Come on baby you are tired go to sleep. We will be here for you when you wake up." He nodded. I walked him to his bed layed him down. I was about to leave to get some food but something grabbed my head. I turned around and saw Deans hand on mine, I smiled. I layed down beside him and he cuddled into me. I know what to call him now. Cuddlebug. He is going to be so embarrassed. I smiled to myself. I looked to Gabe and Sam. "Can you get me a muffin or something at the cafeteria?" They nodded and left. I looked to Deans parents. John stood up and walked up to me. I was kinda scared of him, he was strong. He leaned over and started talked to me. "You and your brother make my son's very happy and they trust you and love you. Welcome to the family kid." He said smiling as he held out his hand. I smiled and grabbed his hand and shaked it. "Thank you sir" he nodded. Deans parents walked out of the room. Sam and Gabe came in. I told them what John said and they looked in shock. Sam looked over at Gabe then to me. "Are you sure it was our dad that said that?" I nodded. "I never thought he would say that." I nodded again and then my head turned to the muffin. I looked at Gabe with puppy eyes. He rolled his eyes and gave the muffin to me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I looked back to Dean and he was snoring softly and still cuddled into me but a lot more than a few minutes ago. I think he feels like I would leave. I will never leave him.

One day at a time (Destiel and Sabriel high school AU)Where stories live. Discover now