Graduation: Chapter 29

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Authors note:
There will be more chapters, this is not the last chapter!!

Dean POV:
It's graduation day I am so nervous, what if he says no. I am going to do it infornt of the entire school. My principal asked me if it was okay to do a life story on me, I agreed. Cas doesn't know I got asked to do this but Sam and Gabe does but Gabe is the only person that knows I am going to ask Cas to marry me during the speech. Sam thinks I am doing it at dinner with the family. Anyways the reason I got asked was apparently to the teacher I am inspiration, so here goes nothing. I arrived at the school with my family. I got out of the family car and started walking to school. I got stopped by someone jumping on my back. I screamed and everyone looked at me and laughed. I looked up and it was Cas. We smiled at eachother. He kissed me on the cheek and got off my back. I turned around to face him and kiss him on the lips. We pulled away and we couldn't stop smiling at eachother. "Stop you'r staring and get you asses moving!" I looked behind Cas and saw Gabe. "Hey, I need to talk to you, can you stay for a second?" I asked Gabe. He smiled and nodded. I turned back to Cas and he looked confused but happy. I kissed him on the cheek and whisperd "I'll see you in the football field, ok?" He nodded and walked away with his and my family behind him. "So, what you want Dean-o?" Gabe asked as he pulled a red sucker out. "I am nervous as all hell!! What do I do?" I said. "Calm down. You are going to be fine, just say your speech and pretend everyone is naked or just look at one thing and don't move away from it." Gabe said I nodded and we walked inside. I saw Cas, I smiled and waved. I was going to walk over there but before I did, Gabe stopped me. "Congratulations and good luck. You are going to be just fine. He is going to say yes. Just promise me you will take care of him" he said. "I promise man and thanks" I said. I walked over to Cas and smiled which he returned. We sat down and it begins. It goes on for about a half an hour handing out awards before it got to my part. "The next award goes to someone who is an inspiration to the entire school. Dean Winchester." Everyone clapped as I stood up. My family was probably the loudest though. I got up on stage and took my award. "Before Dean sits down, I asked him if he could explain his life story." I looked to my principal and she nodded. I got up to the mike and looked at Cas. He looks so proud. I started to speak.

"I have been through a rough patch in my life. When I was at my old school I got bullied a lot, physically and mentally because I was gay. I was raped a couple of times by this one person. I became a selective mute and only talked to my brother with small sentences. My mom, dad and Sam, my brother, learned sign language so they could talk to me. My parents figured out me and my brother both were getting bullied because we were gay so my parents moved schools to here we are, at Angel high. I didn't talk to anyone only my brother. We both made really good friends. Charlie, Benny, Crowley, Kevin and Adam. We both got amazing boyfriends. Gabe is Sam's boyfriend. I call them Sabriel. Gabriel has been there for both me and Sam. I am happy he is in our lives and making my brother happy once again and I got Castiel, Gabe's older brother. He has been there for me from my ups and down and I couldn't be happier. He is beautiful, smart, caring and most of all he is honestly the nicest guy I have ever meet. When me and his brother got in a car accident, I was in a coma with a broken arm and leg. I had a couple of fractured ribs also and his brother had a broke arm and leg. He never left my side when I was in there. So I want to bring him up here so you can meet him" I said. I looked at Cas, as he was in tears. He stood up and walked on the stage. He reached to me and he smiled at me as he wiped away his tears. I heard a couple of 'awws'. I smiled back to Cas and took his hand and kissed him on the cheek. I started to talk again. "No one knows how much he has change my life. I love him more than I love my car, which is saying something because after my family, I love my car the most." Everyone laughed. I looked to Gabe and he nodded at me. "Cas, I want to spend the rest of my life with you and only you. I want to have a family with you, I want to be there for you when you need me. Cas I got one question I am going to ask you." I looked to Cas and he was smiling like an idiot. "Will you marry me?" As I got on my knee. New tears formed in his eyes. He covered his mouth in shock. He nodded frantically and yelled "YES!" Everyone was clapping and saying 'aww'. I put the ring on his finger and kissed him. "I am so glad because that would have been extremely embarrassing if you said no" I whisperd in his ear and he laughed. I pulled away from the hug and kissed him hard on the lips. We pulled away and we smiled. I wiped his tears and took his hand and we walked down the steps off the stage and sat in our seats. People around us were congratulating us. "Alright, alright. Everyone settle down. Congratulations Dean and Cas you guys are a wonderful couple" the principal said. We smiled at her.

We got our diplomas and threw our graduation caps in the air. I kissed Cas on the lips and we walked to my parents, Cas's dad and our brothers. Sam ran up to me and hugged me. "I thought you were going to do this at dinner" Sam said. I laughed "the only person that knew I was doing it in the speech was Gabe because I was freaking out and you were in the pool when Gabe came over. I told him and he calmed me down. That's why I was talking to him earlier." I said. Sam walked up to Gabe and smacked his arm playfully. "You knew?" Sam said. Gabe laughed "yep he loves me more Sam" he said. "I doubt that kiddo. I love you after my family, Cas and my car. You are there with my friends" I said. Sam smirked at Gabe. Me and Cas laughed and I wrapped my arms around Cas's waist. "Can we get food now?" I asked. "Yes, but I have a surprise for you" my dad said. "But before we show you. I want to congratulate you two" my mom said. My parents, Cas's dad, Sam, Gabe, Mike and Luci all walked up and hugged us both and congratulated us. We said 'thank you'. A lot of teachers, students and parents walked up and congratulated us and said 'sorry for what happened to you but I am glad you are happy now'. A couple of people asked 'if the police caught the guy', I said 'yes'.

We got to the parking lot and both of our parents stopped us. "Okay, since Gabe and Sam got you something for a graduation present. We got you something." My mom said to me. My mom and dad moved out of the way and I saw my baby. My jaw dropped, I hear Cas laugh at me. I let go of his hand and I ran to her. I stopped and looked at. "Aww, baby. How I missed you" I said. "I thought you loved me more" I hear Cas say, I felt him wrap his arms around me, I leaned in to try and get more of him. He kissed my neck and my jaw. He started biting my ear and kissing it. I bit my lip. "I do believe me. But as much as I love you doing that and how I want you to keep doing that. We can't do it here." I said. Cas whined but pulled away. I turned around to face him and smiled. He smiled back. "I also go something for you two Cas." Cas turned around and saw his father standing there. Since you are going to college and moving out and living with Dean in an apartment. I got you this. So you can come see me, your brothers or anyone, anytime you want." Chuck said. He moved out of the way and saw his own car. Cas screamed and ran towards it. "Oh my god, thanks dad" Cas said. I smiled at him and walked towards him. Cas got in and sat in the drivers seat. "You look like a pimp. I am going to call this your pimpmobile." I said. Cas smiled "I like it" as he got out of the car and walked over to me and whisperd into my ear "but I definitely love you a lot more" he grabbed my hand. "Can we eat now?" I said. Everyone laughed and got into someones car. Before Cas got in. I opened the door for him. He smiled and got in. I closed the door and Cas rolled down the window. "Be safe. I love you my beautiful fiancée" I said. He blushed. "You two and I love you as well my smart, handsome, caring, lovable fiancée" he said, I blushed. "You always got to beat me, don't you?" I asked. He laughed, "yep" I smiled and kissed him on the lips. I let go and walked to my car and drove to the restaurant. This is one of the best days of my life! I thought to myself.

One day at a time (Destiel and Sabriel high school AU)Where stories live. Discover now