It's almost time: Chapter 30

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4 years later
Cas POV:
Dear: diary,
Today is the day! I am getting married to the love of my life and I can't be happier. After Dean had proposed to me at our high school, we decided we should wait until we are out of college and financially stable. I am now out of college. I am firefighter and Dean graduated a few months ago for mechanical engineering and he has being working at an awesome business when he just started college. It was great. He got awesome pay and benefits and he loves his job. His work place accepted Dean being gay and that he is engaged with me and he has so happy when he told me. Everyone on my team, at the fire station, approves of me being gay and engaged with Dean. I don't see why we need permission from them for us to get married but I am happy they accepted us. Oh also Me and Dean bought a house. Three bedrooms, 1 master bedroom, a dining room, a big kitchen and living room. We also have an in ground pool in the backyard, with a diving board and a slide. We also live on a farm. We have horses, pigs, chickens, goats, ducks, cows and so much more. It took us a while to save up for that house but we did it. We also have a German Shepherd that Dean got me for my 20th birthday. Her name is Daisy, she is 2 years old. I love her. Also me and Dean are going to adopt twins and a teenager. I am so happy and excited. Anyways Gabe just got here (he is still dating Sam which is a shocker) so I better say good bye to my engaged life and say hello to my new married life.

I put my diary away and got up to let Gabe inside my new home. No one has seen the new home only me, Dean and my dad. I opened the door and smiled. "Hey Cassie, I love your guys new home! It's so amazing" he said. I laughed "thanks" I said smiling "We even got horses and a lot of other animals. We saved them from a farm rescue place" I hear someone say. I turned around and saw Dean. We smiled at eachother. "Hey, I just want to say good bye to you since we won't be seeing eachother till tommorow" Dean said. I smiled, I was about to say something but got interrupted by Gabe. "Aww, you wanted to see me" Gabe said as he ran up and hugged Dean and pecked him on the cheek. I glared at Gabe. "Yea, sorry man. I love you as an almost brother in-law but I don't love you as much as I love Cas" Dean said as he pushed Gabe back until he fell on the couch. I laughed and looked back to Dean. "Good bye my angel. I will see you tomorrow. Be safe, I love you with all my heart" Dean said. I smiled "I will definitely see you tomorrow and you be careful to. I love you to my cuddlebug" I said he laughed "I still don't like that nickname" he said, I smiled "yes, I know that but it is never going to change. Bye baby, I love you" I said. He smiled "bye, love you to." He turned to Gabe. He was pouting. He walked up to him and pecked him in the cheek. "Good bye my darling" Dean said and winked. Me and Gabe laughed. He walked out of the house but he kissed me on the lips hard and whisperd to me that he loves me which I responded back with I love you to. I was alone with Gabe. We decided to take a ride on the horses. Daisy was following us. We got to this river that is in our property so the animals can drink some water. Gabe looked back to me. "So Cas I want to ask you something. I am thinking about proposing to Sam. He just started law school and I don't want to make things strees full and I also want to ask Dean if I can get his permission because he has been there for Sam all his life and now I am doing the rambling thing when we Novaks get nervous. Please give me advice." Gabe said as he blushed. I looked at him in shock. "Well first of all, I think it's an awesome idea to propose to Sam. He will be happy that he is with you. To be honest he was talking to Dean about wanting you to ask him to marry him for awhile. Dean told him to tell you but he was to nervous. I think you should do it when you two make the best man's speech. Anyways, as for Dean, I don't have advise. He will probably be protective over his brother, like usual" I said to Gabe. He nodded "how do you get Dean to say yes?" Gabe asked. I laughed "I have no idea. He just does it. It's strange, to be honest. He always says no to you or our brothers but when I ask him to do something he does it without arguing." I said. Gabe smiled and nodded. We took the horses back home with Daisy following close behind me. We put the horses in their pens and gave all the farm animals fresh food and water. We walked back inside and I feed Daisy and gave her water. I went to the kitchen and started making pizza for me and Gabe. "Are you nervous?" Gabe asked. I looked to him and nodded "yeah and excited. By the way, Dean has already told Sam but I wanted to tell you but anyways. Me and Dean are adopting a child. Or more like child's. We are getting twins and a teenager that we meet during an adoption interview. Her name is Clarie, she was a foster kid. Anyways, the paperwork takes forever but we get the kids in a couple of weeks. Gabe you are going to be an uncle." Gabe dropped his sucker he pulled out of his pocket and looked at me in shock. "SURPRISE!" I yelled. He smiled and hugged and congratulated me. He kept whispering to himself 'I am going to be an uncle' over and over again. I smiled at him and he smiled back. After an hour passed we finished the pizza. I went out to the barn to check on the animals. I gave them more water and I walked back to the house. Gabe was asleep watching Lord of the rings. (Authors note: is it bad that I never seen that movie)
I turned the TV off and went to my bed room with Daisy by my side. We got into bed and I called Dean.
"Hello Angel, how was your day with your brother?" Dean said.
"Not bad, I am now in my bed wishing you were here to cuddle me but I got Daisy, so that's good. How about you?" I asked.
"Pretty good and I really wish I could be there cuddling you but  baby I gotta go, Sam is making me hang up and get my beauty sleep for the big day" Dean said.
"Hey! Cas should to! Hi Cas!" I hear Sam yell at the phone. I laughed
"Hello Sam. Anyways, we should get to bed. I just wanted to call you to say good night. It feels different without you beside me" I said.
"I know right, I feel the same way." Dean stopped talking until I heared 'alright alright' I was waiting for him to talk to me. "Listen Cas I gotta go. I love you angel. Good night." Dean said. I smiled.
"I love you to my cuddlebug"

We blew kisses into the phone and we hung up. Daisy was laying by my feet. I smiled at her and closed my eyes. I feel asleep, missing Deans warmth beside me and all the cuddles and all the kisses but I am going to marry him tomorrow. I fell asleep smiling while thinking that I am going to marry my best friend, my cuddlebug and more importantly the love of my life.

One day at a time (Destiel and Sabriel high school AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin