Hospital: Chapter 6

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Gabe POV:
I walked outside after I talked with Sam. I am so stupid why would I touch him I kept thinking in my head. I need to find Dean and apologize to him, I didn't mean to make him panic. I stopped at the front of the school and looked around. When I was about to give up I saw someone behind a tree. I walked up to it and saw Dean, he looked like he can't breathe. "Dean" I asked but then he fell to the ground. I ran up to him and started to freak out. I don't want to touch him what if i make it worse I thought.

I grabbed my phone and dialed 9-1-1 and told them what happened. The ambulance arrived minutes later and put him on the stretcher. The paramedics put him in the ambulance and told me to come with them and that I need to answer questions.

I got in and they started to drive. The paramedic in the back checked Deans pulse and looked scared. We arrived at the hospital and the paramedics took him in. I stood there in shock when a young nurse walked out. She sat me down and gave me a glass of water. A few minutes had pass and still Dean was in the room getting checked. The nurse looked at me and started to talk. "What's you name sweetie?" She asked. "My name is Gabe. Is he going to be okay?" The woman looked at me and took my hands "I believe so. I haven't checked on him yet would you like me to?" I nodded. She stood up and walked to the room but she stopped when she saw who was in there she looked like she was going to cry. I got up to see what was going on. "What's going on? Is he okay?" I asked. "My son" she said. I looked at her like was crazy until I remembered that Sam's mom works at the local hospital as a nurse. I looked at her name and I read it. Mary Winchester. I turned around and saw everyone looking at her. A nurse came out of Deans room and took her somewhere. I was going to go seat back in my seat when I heared someone mumble. I turned around and saw Dean starting to wake up. I walked into the room. Wait what if he sees people's hand on him and start to ask him questions. "Before you do anything, I would suggest getting your hands off of him. Something happened a while ago and doesn't like when people touches him and also he is a selective mute so he won't talk to you." The doctors nodded and removed there hands as soon as Dean woke up. He looked around and saw me standing beside him. You could tell he was so confused. He grabbed a pen off of the night stand beside him and started to write.

Deans POV:
My head hurts so bad. I opened my eyes hesitantly. Why is it so bright in here. I looked around and saw Gabe and a lot of doctors beside me. I grabbed a pen off of the night stand beside me. I wrote on my hand and showed it to Gabe, to ask what happened and where was I. "You had a panic attack and you passed out, I called 9-1-1 and they brought you here." I nodded and then I heared someone cry. "Dean." I looked at the door and I saw my mom standing there crying, she ran over to me and sat down. "My baby, are you okay? What happened? Where's your brother?" The memories started to flow back. I remember. I signed to my mom what happened at lunch. "Baby, your going to be okay" I nodded when she said that. But then the thought of Sam came back to me, where is he? I signed to me mom to ask Gabe where he is. She nodded and looked at him, he looked so confused. "Dean would like to know where his brother is" he nodded and started to speak. "Um, can I just speak to Dean alone please?" My mom nodded and got up. "I love you sweetie"I nodded and signed to her I love you to. All the doctors started to walk out of my room. It was just me and Gabe. I looked at him and he looked down and started to speak "don't get mad at you brother ok, it was my fault" I nodded. What the hell is he talking about. Then he started to speak again. "Me, Cas, Charlie, Benny, Crowley and Kevin stopped Sam in the hall and asked him what happened to you, he stopped walking and told us everything what happened to you and him at your last school. Charlie and Cas went to look for you outside and we made Sam walk to class. I felt really bad because it was my fault that you ran off with a panic attack so I went outside to look for you to apologize, I'm sorry by the way. Anyways. I saw you by the tree and you passed out. I called 9-1-1 and they brought you here. I haven't talked to Sam yet."  I was shocked because Sam usually never tells anyone that. I nodded and grabbed my phone. I started to type. I gave Gabe my phone.

Its okay I forgive you, you didn't know but do you mind if you call Sam please and tell him where I am?  Gabe nodded and called Sam's phone and put it on speaker so I could hear his voice. A few rings went through the speaker and then it picked up. "Dean! Dean where are you? Are you okay? Please talk to me" Sam said over the phone. Gabe started to speak. "Hey Sam, its Gabe. Your brother is fine. He is in the hospital where your mom works at, he wants to see you" "okay I'm coming, can you tell him I love him please" I signed to my phone "he did that weird thing with his hands I think he is saying he loves you to" I nodded and then I heared Sam laugh over the phone "its called sign language. Me, Dean and my parents learned it when Dean became mute. Anyways I will see you at the hospital. I'll tell everyone that you found him, thanks Gabe." "Yeah, no problem" he said and hung up. He looked at me and I smiled and nodded my head as a thanks. He smiled back and did the same thing. He sat down beside me and started to talk a lot about pranks and candy.

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