Flashback: Chapter 22

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Authors note:
Sorry guys I skipped a chapter so I am redoing it... here it is, sorry!😞
Cas POV:
I felt so bad for what I said to Dean. After he ran off Gabe told me what just happened. I was shocked. I ran to try and catch him. I called his name but he kept walking and then he started running. I walked back to Gabe and he was trying to comfort me until he had to go to work. We kept texting Dean to get him to answer, he finally answered me and Gabe and I asked if he could let me explain tonight and he agreed. Gabe left for work around 3. I was working late tonight at the diner. It was very busy today, I was giving someone there food when I heared the door open. I looked at who it was and it was Dean. I looked at my watch and it was about 8pm, the dinner closes at 9pm. I walked over to Mike and told him I was going on break. I walked up to Dean when he saw me. "Hey, you want to go in the back?" I asked him. He just nodded. I grabbed his hand and walked him to the back. I looked back to Dean, he was trying not to look at me. "Listen Dean, I didn't mean what I said. I was scared for my brother. He always had it bad with relationships. When ever he got close to someone they always hurt him. I didn't mean what I said, I was just try to be there for my brother. I am so sorry. Please look at me" I said. Dean looked up slowly, he had tears in his eyes. I walked up to him and whipped the tears "I am truly sorry and I love you" I finished. Dean smiled and I smiled back. I grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him and Dean kissed back immediately. He pushed me up against the wall and started to kiss me harder, it felt like it was going to get more heated and I was ok with it until Luci came out. "Oh shit, sorry little brother. We need your help with some orders" Luci said. I was so sad that we had to stop kissing. We let go hesitantly and I think Dean knew I was sad to let go because he laughed at me. "I gotta go home anyway. Bye, love you. "Bye. Love you to" I said. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and left. I glared at Luci and he laughed at me. We walked inside and got all the orders out. Every customer left and I went up to flip the open sign to close. I was doing dishes when I heard someone ran in. "Sorry we are closed" I yelled. "CAS" someone yelled at me. I jumped and turned around to face him. It was Sam. He told me what happened to Dean and Gabe and I fell into shock. I dropped a plate that I was holding and it smashed to the ground. I saw my brothers come in and Sam explained to them what happened. We all ran out of the diner and got into Mr. Winchester's car. Sam explained everything. Mike called dad and I was crying. This can't be happening again. Mom died from a car crash. I don't remember a lot of what happened but I remember going to the hospital crying. Two of the most people I care about are in the hospital. Gabe is the closest brother I have out of my other brothers. I can't lose him and Dean he made me happy everyday and now I have to lose him. We arrived at the hospital and we all got out. My dad saw me and ran over to me and hugged me and whispered comfort words to me. We went inside and saw Sam's mom.
End of flashback:
We were all sitting outside the waiting room. A doctor came out and walked over to us. "Who is Mr. Novak?" My dad stood up. The doctor turned to him and started to speak. "Your son, Gabriel, is fine. He has a broken arm and leg. He is stable and awake now and he would like to see you" the doctor finished. Me, my dad and my brother's all walked to Gabe's room and walked in. He was sitting there. He looked at us and smiled. "Sorry for scaring you guys" he said. I ran up to him and hugged him tightly. "Hey Cassie. Did you miss me?" He asked I laughed and said yes. I let go of him and started to speak. "Don't do that ever again or no candy for you" I said as I gave Gabe a chocolate bar. "Deal! So how is Dean?" He asked as he took the chocolate. I looked at him and he could tell something is wrong. "Cas, whats wrong?" he asked but I couldn't answer I stared to have tears in my eyes. "He is in a coma right now. He has broken arm, a broken leg, he fractured a few ribs and a few stitches on his face but one Dean wakes up he is going to kill Alastair for destroyed his baby." We all turned around and saw Sam standing there. Gabe smiled and waved at Sam. Sam waved back and walked up to him. He kisses Gabe on the lips. "Don't do that again" Sam said. Gabe laughed "okay, I'll try my best." I smiled at them. I turned to look at the doctor that was awkwardly standing there. "Can I see Dean?" Everyone looked at him. "Yes, but it is up to the family if you can" He said. I looked to Sam "yeah you can see him but he doesn't look like himself. He looks lifeless and has a tube down his throat so he could breath. Just bring your dad Cas or one of your brothers" Sam said. "I'll go with him!" Gabe yelled. I looked to him "Yes you CAN go but until you get better. You sit your candy ass down and get better. Got it?" I said pointing at Gabe. He nodded. "I'll go with you Cas" I looked over and saw Luci standing up from the chair he was sitting in. I nodded and we walked out of the room and followed the doctor to Deans room. I walked in and saw Dean. He has stitches on his face and a cast on his arm and leg and a tube down his throat. Sam was right, he looks lifeless. I walked up to him and sat beside the chair near his bed. I pulled the chair closer and kissed Deans forehead. "You are going to be okay. Please be ok. I don't know what I would do without you. Your my highlight of everyday" I said to Dean. I grabbed his hand and I prayed to God or any angel to help him.

One day at a time (Destiel and Sabriel high school AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora