Memory 000: The Black Roses

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Brandon Block was awoken to footsteps. Opening his eyes, he saw a girl who lent out her hand in return for a favor. The boy gladly took her hand.

"Time to recruit some members for our gang, Brandon," a voice said.
Brandon woke up to see the girl, Alexia Rosa, looming above his head. Brandon threw off his bedsheets-a sign for Alexia to move back a bit-and sat up, swinging his legs out of the bed. He could smell breakfast.
Breakfast was ham and bacon omelette with some iced milo on the side (if you are not familiar with milo, search it up. It's a drink).
"Alright, let's go recruiting!" Alexia shouted, finishing her meal and jumping up from the table. Brandon had always wondered how Alexia could have so much stamina.

One year later:

"So, what should our gang name be?" asked Freddy Barns, one of the new members and also one of the first ten to be recruited.
Alexia put in some thought. Suddenly, she looked at Brandon and said, "How about the Black Roses?" Everyone agreed to the name.

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