Memory 17: Return

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As we walked back home, Brandon's mind felt light and dizzy. As he had been fighting, he had remembered everything about his past: his brother, his parents, the man he had killed, and why he no longer remembered anything.

Both Alexia and Brandon were devastated by the death of their brothers, and in Brandon's case, his father as well.

However, they both knew that nothing would be changed. Their brothers were now in a better place.

When we finally made it back to the others, after an hour long of celebrating with the resurrected people of the kingdom, they found the others worrying over them and crying tears of joy when they returned. Even Lewis and Jessi were glad.

We all returned home, happiness and saddness riddling our minds.

When Brandon and Alexia entered the door of their household, Mr. Rosa was so glad to see them that he held a party to celebrate their return. They had told him their story... At least, most of it. Mr. Rosa would've been devastated by the second death of his son, so they only told him of Brandon's. Then, with a bit of help from Talia, they remembered their promise to each other and asked Mr. Rosa if they could date each other. It very well shocked the poor man since he had thought they had been dating for a long time already.

Time passed, and weddings with my friends occured. I went to Alexia and Brandon's, which I'd say was my favorite.

Jessie and Lewis had changed their ways, even Inama. Jessi and Inama later married, inviting me as a thank you for saving Inama those many years ago.

Talia married a while later, but I won't say who...

Me? I married, as well, inviting all my friends who I was still in touch with and the Game Creatures. I won't say who I married, but I'm happy, that's for sure.

But I knew that, out of all of us, Brandon and Alexia went through the most hardships, but ended off being the happiest people I know.

Fingering my Moon Pendant, I recalled all my memories of the days we were all together, then, slipping it off, neatly clasped it onto an old book with some still-blank pages and wrapped it.

Then, for the finishing touch, I added a letter and disappeared from this world, right as a young teen at the age of 14 entered the room and spotted the gift, as well as my body that I had left behind to go to the place where all my friends were waiting.

Author's Note:

Hello readers! If you are reading this, I'm glad you didn't give up on me! This is the last chapter, but I am going to add a short part after this to show something I had left out.

Well, thanks for reading this story! I hopebyou enjoyed reading it as much as I loved writing it!

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