Memory 015: In Need of a Pendant

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"You! Let my friends go right now!" Alexia commanded.

"No can do, little girl. Not now, at least," the man, Brandon's father sighed.

"Why not!?"

"They are what's keeping me alive, so I can speak to my sons as I wait for something." He pointed to his right arm, where a small device was attaching him to the tubes.

"So you're draining all their lives while you retain your own!?"

"No! I'm no barbarian! I would never do that! I would rather die than let others die for my own selfishness! They all still live! I am merely using the rhythm of their heartbeats to keep mine going. The tubes keep them in a coma and keep them alive!"

Alexia relaxed a bit, but fury was still flaming in the back of her eyes.

"What do you want to talk to us about?" Jason asked hesitantly. He knew that William was right when it came to danger ahead, and he wanted to remain wary.

Suddenly, the man in front of them made a scary, dangerous face. He raced up to Brandon, nearly choking him as he clung onto Brandon's neck.

"Where is the Moon Pendant?" he hissed. "Where is it!? I need it! I must save my kind!"

That's when they realized that this person in front of them was half gone already. He was near insane.

Brandon suddenly remembered the girl who was left behind who held onto the precious thing the mad person desired. Yep, you guessed it. Me.

"Why do you need it?" Brandon choked out.

Seeming to realize what he was doing, Brandon's father let go of his son's neck, then stumbled back.

"Please, please, it's the only way I can save my old friends and your mother... Please, please, give it to me!"

He held out an outstretched arm, hoping for something to drop into it.

Brandon wasn't sure what to do. The only way to get the pendant was to call for me, but I was still watching over the others. He didn't want to leave my friends in danger.

'What should I do!?'

The Second In Command (a book on Brandon Block)Where stories live. Discover now