Memory 014: Father and Sons

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The violet room asked us what gender we would rather be.

We replied that we would rather stay the same, so we would remain the same gender.

We got to pass.

Then came the white room.

Were you part of the group that beat the Shinsekai game?

Brandon hesitated before replying, "Yes."

They passed.

Now, they entered a large room with a strange row of tubes that looked like pillars... Except people were in them.

Two of them were recognized.

"Talia! Inama!" Alexia shouted, running up to the bubbling tubes that contained my friends. (Yes, MY, the narrator's, friends! Also Alexia's and Brandon's. Not really William's or Jason's since they never really knew them.)

Then, they heard someone clearing their throat.

The four spun around to see a dark figure standing in the shadows. He stepped out of them, revealing himself.

He wore dark clothing, similar to the men who kidnapped our friends except without a mask and had a dark cloak on instead.

He revealed his face, and spoke.

"Welcome, my sons."

Jason and Brandon gasped.

This man...

Was their father!

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