Memory 007: Gain and Loss

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"Wait, William!? You're alive!?" Alexia shouted in disbelief. "Or... Are you just a hologram?..."

"Nope. I'm real, all right. Holograms don't make footprints," the boy stated, pointing a thumb behind him. Sure enough, there were three trails of footprints: two from the duo and one leading to William.

"But... How?"

"Well, it actually took me a while. I had to make a deal with 'God' to get myself down here again."

"And don't forget about me!" another boy said, popping up behind Alexia's brother. The duo would've fallen over if not for the fact they were in a land of rotting corpses and they wanted to avoid touching the ground with their bare hands at all costs.

"So... Is THAT dude a hologram, then?" Brandon asked, noting the newcomer's lack of footprints.

"Nope! Just that I had to lose my ability to have footprints or shadows for as long as I am down here!"

"That's harsh."

"Well, William has it worse! He can't smell or taste for as long as he is down here!"

Brandon and Alexia felt that this guy was a bit too cheery...

Willam, of course, knew otherwise.

"Anyways, that's not important right now," Alexia interrupted. "Why are you down here again?"

"There's danger coming up for you guys, and I wanted to help you guys. My friend here, Jason, wanted to help out, as well."

"Well, this is a nice family reunion and all, but can we please get going? I want to get my memories back and be able to save Talia and Inama already."

And so, with that, the four kids walked into the building.

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