Memory 016: Death of Loved Ones

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"Dad!" Brandon screamed in horror.

He could hear screaming in the background, but he couldn't care any less. His father was just beheaded right in front of his eyes!

He then heard a shout coming from Jason. He turned around to see an unfamiliar man holding his brother in a choking hold. Jason gasped for air and clawed at the man's arm, but was unable to free himself. Jason felt himself get dizzier and dizzier...

When the arm dropped him and he could see Brandon with rage painting his features and his fist showing he had just punched the man's cheek, making the man stumble backwards.

Brandon flung out a string of words that made Alexia's eyes widen with fear from the content of it all.

"If you wanna mess with my family, you better try to get past me, first!" he yelled angrily, finally done with his explicit word content.

The man grinned evilly. "Hmm, we'll see..." he drawled ominously.

Suddenly, the man grabbed a knife from seemingly out of nowhere and threw it...

Straight at me.

I squeezed my eyes shut, knowing I would be too slow to dodge it and that even if I did, Talia would be hurt.

I braced myself for the incoming impact, but it never came. I dared to open one eye, then my other eye shot open at the terrible sight that was in front of me.

There, standing and bleeding heavily in the gut, was Inama, clutching his side where he had the knife imbedded in it. He turned to look at me and smiled sadly, mouthing some words, and then collapsed.

I screamed his name. I screamed so much, shaking him, trying to wake him up, but he didn't open his eyes, his breathing ragged and his skin pale and sweating.

Brandon looked in shock, then he got out his box-opening knife and attacked the man that had injured Inama. The man then threw another knife in Alexia's direction.

"Alexia!" Brandon and another voice screamed. Then, the attack was blocked by a piece of one of the tubes. Holding onto it on one side was William, panting from the effort of getting it so quickly.

The man kept on dodging the attacks while throwing knives at everyone but Brandon and Jason. Talia followed William's idea and protected me and Inama while I cried over him. Okay, cheesy. But you would cry, too, if someone close to you got hurt protecting you. He wasn't dead, but I knew that if we didn't heal his wounds soon, he would die from blood loss.

Jason suddenly realized that the man wasn't attacking the others anymore. Instead, his attacks were aimed at Brandon.

"Brandon!" he cried out.

Brandon didn't have time to react as his younger brother jumped in front of him, just as he got stabbed by a knife that was aimed at Brandon.

"Jason! No!" Brandon screamed. He couldn't lose his brother! Not again!

"Sorry, Brandon. I wasn't strong enough..." Jason coughed out. Then, he coughed violently, blood spewing out of his mouth and dribbling down one corner.

"No! Jason! You'll be okay! We'll get you healed! You'll be fine!"

"Sorry, not this time. You can do well without me. I-I won't forget you, so don't you dare forget me!"

He coughed out blood several times, then went pale and still.

"Jason?... JASON!!!"

At that moment, all his rage, all his hatred, it all came rushing in. 'This is what it's like to lose a family member! I never knew. Oh, Alexia. How did you survive losing your own twin!?'

Brandon went wild, attacking the man and going berserk. His face was set in a snarl and his eyes showed danger. The man's expression faltered for a moment before he hardened himself...

And slashed William in the stomach with another stupid knife.

And William's final words were:

"Stay safe... Alexia..."

And Alexia joined Brandon in his rage.

It would have almost been funny if they weren't angry about losing their family member all over again.

I joined them, too. Why not? He did hurt Inama, after all. Talia stepped in as well. Most likely to not be left out in the "fun".

Then, Brandon noticed something shining dimly somewhere near his father's body. 'The Moon Pendant!'

He paused for a moment to pick it up, then knew exactly what he had to do.

While the man was distracted, Brandon held it up to the man's chest. The grown-up's chest started to fizzle and bubble as he screamed in agony. He clawed at the pendant, but it didn't budge. It was melting his skin, lodging itself and melting the man more.

As he nearly reached his end, he screamed, "THIS ISN'T THE LAST YOU'LL SEE OF ME!!!" and the man finally melted, disgustingly, in a human-colored puddle.

"So long, sucker!" Talia taunted, sticking out her tongue at the mass. I winced as I picked the pendant out of the disgusting puddle. The pendant, surprisingly and gratefully, came out clean.

I don't know why and how, but I got the pendant to Inama's injury and healed it. He remained unconscious, but he looked a lot better.

How cheesy could this day get?

As I stared, I saw Alexia and Brandon crying in each other's arms, mostly to reassure themselves. They HAD lost their brothers again, after all.

I wanted to help them, but then again, I had a feeling that they were best left on their own.

Author's Note:

Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Readers: *glare*

Me: W-what?...😨





... Nah, this'll never happen. No reader likes this story enough to do this...

Anyways, I still have about one or two chapters left, so until then, 'cya!😁

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