Memory 012: A Boy's Confusion

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The timer beeped to a stop.

You may pass.

Brandon was still stunned about what had just happened. He stood there for a moment before shaking himself to clear his thoughts and followed his friends into the next room, which was orange.

As all this was occurring, Brandon's mind remained a bit fuzzy from remembering those pieces of his past. His mind kept turning round and round, not knowing which way was up and which way was down. He somehow managed to make it through, however.

The next few questions were simple.

The yellow room said:

If you were threatened with a knife and two of your friends were there, who is your top priority, your friend that always cares about you, yourself, or the friend who you happen to have a crush on?

We all decided.

"No one person is our top priority. They are all our top priority."

The words let them pass.

The next room was yellow, and Brandon felt like he was about to throw up all over the ground. His dizziness was overwhelming. Jason supported him.

Nest was green.

If you had to lose one of your five senses, which one would it be?

William answered.

"All of our senses are important to us, so there is no real answer. If you lose any one, you lose something precious no matter what."

Again, they were able to pass.

Then came a harder challenge in the blue room.

A person keeps annoying you. Do you let them keep doing what they're doing or you kill them to make them shut up.

After a while of thinking, Alexia says, "It depends on who the person is."

We waited, and we were able to pass.

By then, Brandon's head cleared a bit, letting him stand a bit more straight and no longer needing the support of his brother.

That's when they entered the indigo room.

The Second In Command (a book on Brandon Block)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora