Sickness 000: Seeing Trouble

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The boy looked down through the clouds, a frown forming on his face.

Another boy walked up to him, carrying a board and two decks of cards.

"How is it?" the newcomer asked.

"Not that good. I expected different from Mr. Gad. He didn't follow the contract."

"And the contract was made how?..."

"Don't ask me. I can't even remember."

"That girl down there... Is she spying on you using that journal again?"

"Most likely. But that's not important right now."

The newcomer set up the board and the cards.

"Stand up, Vanguard," they said in unison.

Okay, a quick little break. This card game is a real type called Cardfight!! Vanguard. That's also what I based my username off of. Okay, just wanted to clarify things! Continue!

They continued their conversation while playing.

"Kasen Kanesada. Do you realize how important that contract is for the safety of my sister and her friends?"

"Reflector Angel. Yes, I know."

"I draw and ride Nikkari Aoe. Moving Kasen Kanesada to the rear guard. I end my turn. Do you know how much danger they are in now because those idiots broke the contract?"

"I draw and ride Battle Maiden Mihikarihime, also calling Witch of Cats, Cumin. Boosted by Witch of Cat's, Cumin, my Vanguard attacks yours. Yes. You've been ranting about it nonstop."

"No guard."

"Drive trigger check... Nothing."

"Damage trigger check... Nothing."

"I end my turn."

"Stand and draw. I ride Ookurikawa. Boosted by Kasen Kanesada, Ookurikawa attacks. Those idiots think that if I'm dead, the contract dies along with me? Those idiots!"

"No guard. You repeated the word 'idiot' a bit too much."

"Drive trigger check... Draw trigger activated. Drawing and adding five thousand power to the attack. Whatever. It's not like you could do any better."

"Damage trigger check... Nothing. Actually, yes I could if you gave me the chance."

They card-fought the rest of the time, not continuing their conversation.

After finishing the card-fight with the victor being the boy with the contract, the newcomer had a suggestion.

"Why not make a deal with 'him'? I can help you if you need it."

"Jason, this is EXACTLY why I am glad you are my friend! Thank you so much!"

"Chill, William. I got your back covered forever. Friends do that."

The boys shook hands over the table.

"Besides, I have to repay you in some way after you beat me."


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