Memory 003: Ghost Story

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I'm writing in a new format. Not really, but the paragraphs are separated now...

As we flew on, the sky became dark and we were all tired, our bottoms sore from sitting on Erico all day, and Erico fighting to keep his wings beating.

The J.L twins basically commanded Erico to go get some rest while they went to go get firewood. Brandon and the rest of us waited back at the campsite.

I decided to loosen things up a bit and tell a ghost story.

"Once, there was a happy man who lived in a cottage in the woods. He was kind to all those who were kind to him, however did not respect those who weren't.

"One day, a greedy king that had ruled the land a little after the man turned 20 decided to pay a visit to the kingdom."

"This isn't much of a ghost story," Talia complained.

"Oh, shut up," I replied, annoyed. "I'm getting there." So I continued.

"Everyone feared him and immediately bowed down to him when he walked past."

"Now it sounds like Where the Mountain Meets the Moon." Talia inputted. I glared at her and then continued the story.

"However, when the king passed by the cottage, he saw the man bowing to him until the king said, 'Why don't you greet me properly, commoner!?' The man, enraged that the king expected him to greet him like the others did and that he was called a mere commoner, stood up, ceasing his bowing.

"'Why do you not continue to bow, commoner!?' the king yelled. The man, fed up with the rude and mean king, replied, 'I may be a kind man, but I refuse to respect a person who does not respect me, much less anyone else, just because of his rank in society.'

"The king, enraged, ordered the man's execution. However, the man had the use of magic, and casting a spell, let himself be killed by the royal guard.

"Many days and nights passed, and no one ever dared stand up to the king. Then, one night, the king was in his chambers, shifting himself to lay on his side, when he heard a creak. He sat up in bed, crying out, 'Who's there!?' No one responded.

"The king crept out of bed, peering outside the door. Now there were footsteps coming closer, but the king saw no one.

"'It m-must simply be a mouse...' he told himself. 'Nothing more.' So, he returned to his bed.

"Then, the king heard a creak and sat up. Looking to the side of the bed to where the sound came from, he screamed.

"When the morning came, a maid screamed. When the rest of the maids and servants came to her side, they screamed as well.

"The king was dead in his bed.

"However, they realized that he was not poisoned, nor was he stabbed. His face, however, had taken the form of a monster.

"No one knew how he died, but between you and me, I do. The creaking came from when he had turned over in his bed. The footsteps were the echoes of him walking to the door. The second time he heard the creaking was the echo of him getting back in bed.

"And when he turned to look to his side, he looked into a mirror and saw his own, hideous face, screaming and dying of fright."

It was silent for a moment until we heard a voice say, "That wasn't much of a ghost story."

We turned our heads to look at the speaker. Standing there was a group of three familiar people.

"The Train-Jumpers!"

Author's Note:

Okay, okay, yeah, the name I gave the group was lame. But hey, there's a reason for that name.

I'm so sorry for not updating sooner! I was working on other books and I had a lot of homework!

Hope you enjoyed this!😊

The Second In Command (a book on Brandon Block)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora