Memory 002: The Stowaways

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Brandon walked down the stairs of the home he was sharing with Alexia and her dad. It was summer time and the air was hot and humid. The breakfast was on the table already and Alexia's dad was (ironically) drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. Alexia was at the table, already eating. Brandon sat down and ate as well. Breakfast was omelette with ham and bacon. Just like the first day Brandon had woken up in the Rosa family house. Now, it was going to be, perhaps, the last.
He had already packed a bag for the long journey to find what he could of his former home, if it still remained.
"What are you doing with such a big bag?" Alexia asked.
"I had a dream... No, it was more of a memory than a dream. I need to find the place in my dream. It may help to bring my memories back," Brandon replied.
Alexia understood. After all, Brandon had forgotten who he was in the past, most likely leaving him a shell of his former self. Alexia knew what it was like to loose something very precious to her after her twin brother had died saving the world.
Alexia looked at her dad, who at this time had looked up at the teens with a calm look on his face. Both of them knew that look.
He was letting them go.

After Alexia packed her own necessities, the two went downstairs again to bid Alexia's father farewell. He hugged them both in a tight squeeze and let go.
"Remember that I'll always be waiting for both of your returns," he said protectively. This meant they had to return no matter what.
"Alright," came their reply. Mr. Rosa hugged the two again and waved them off, sad that his daughter and "son" (he considers Brandon to be his son) had to go, leaving him on his own.

I heard a knock on my front door. I called to my parents that I'd open it and did so. As soon as I did, I saw my friends standing in the doorway, Talia Suneko, Aiden Ly, and Tallin Ly. They all had excited looks on their faces, and I had a feeling why.
Another adventure was about to start.

Because we had only six people there, we had attempted to get Lizzy Scrawl to join us. However, she wanted Paris Region to come along, however we didn't want to bring too many people, therefore we invited Timothy Clark to join us. Talia brought her dog (aka the fire dragon Cora Clinton in transformed form) and called upon Erico Earling to help them travel. The earth dragon felt glad to have something to do.
  As the group travelled through the sky, Brandon could tell that something was slowing Erico down more than he should be. Brandon looked behind him and noticed strands of familiar hair flowing behind Talia's dog. He sighed and said, "You two can come up here, now. I know you're there." Jeremy Lit's and James Line's heads popped up and everyone turned towards them, their mouths gaping in astonishment.
  "How'd they get onboard?" Alexia shouted over the wind. Erico looked a bit guilty.
  "I let them on," he said, his guilty-looking face affecting his voice. "I promised them they could stay with me since... Well..." He cut himself off and turned his head away. None of us could see his expression.
  It was obvious the dragon was still thinking about how he let the similar boys fall from his back during the Earth Realm of the Shinsekai game and let them perish. He had probably wanted to protect the "twins" as to be able to make it up to them. And through our experience in that world, whenever Erico made a decision, he stuck with it 'til the very end. The duo would usually turn down an offer like that, but they probably had no choice. Well, they did get to join us anyways.
  Brandon sighed. "Alright, they can stay," he said finally. Jeremy and James cheered. I was mentally cheering as well, for those two were really good friends of mine, as well.
  Brandon sighed again.
  'This is gonna be a long trip.'
  Author's Note:
  Hello! I am SO sorry! I updated late! I was busy trying to get through personal stuff which is KILLING me!Yes, I made this chapter a lot longer! I felt that you readers might want more to read, so I made it as long as I possibly could to be able to get you guys happy!
  Well, hope you enjoyed this! Ciao!;)

The Second In Command (a book on Brandon Block)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ