Memory 011: Secrets Revealed

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The third room was a red one. They sorta saw the pattern already.

"So, what's the challenge this time?" Jason wondered aloud.

The red-orange words soon popped up on the wall.

This time is not a question. You four must tell each other one of your secrets. You must all say it within five minutes. When the timer stops, you all must have told each other that secret. Also, it must be something none of the others except possibly one other knows.

A timer set to five minutes began on the wall.

"I'll go first, I guess," William said. "To be honest, I really hate children. The fact is that children just happen to like me."

The others all technically sweat-dropped. It was true that kids liked him, but he was always so nice to them, they never imagined him to hate children.

"My turn!" Alexia said. "I had always worn glasses, but the truth is that I never had a prescription set for them! Basically speaking, I never had any eye problems at all! I just used them for my second device for Risen Territory!"

Brandon and Jason were shocked. William... Not as much.

"My turn, I guess..." Brandon said. He hesitated, then shouted, "I HAVE ALWAYS LIKED ALEXIA AND I REALLY WANT TO ASK HER OUT!!!"

Yep. That's a real good way to confess your love, Brandon.

Everyone was shocked at that point. Then, Alexia smiled and, taking the now-blushing Brandon's hands, said, "When this is all over, when we all go back home, do you want to repeat that to Dad?"

Brandon looked up to meet Alexia's eyes, his face showing his surprise. Then, he grinned really wide. "Sure!"

"Um, hello, guys! This is all cute and all, but I haven't said my thing yet! And the time is almost up!"

They looked at the wall. It was true. There was only one minute left.

Jason cleared his throat and, breathing in, said, "Brandon, you know how you saw that table set for four back there at the house?"

Brandon recalled that and nodded, confused as to what this was leading to.

"Well, you see, that fourth table spot? It was for me."

Brandon was shocked.

"Basically, I'm your brother, Brandon. My full name is Jason Kevin Block."

Suddenly, a memory rushed into the confused boy's mind.

It was a snowy day, and the ground was covered in the white fluffiness. The sky was grey, and two young boys were playing in the snow.

"You can't catch me!" the younger of the two taunted.

"Oh, yes I can!" the older one laughed back.

Suddenly, the older one slipped in the snow... And a truck was headed straight for him as he fell towards the street.

"Brandon!" the younger one yelled,  running back to save the falling boy. He grasped his hand and pulled him back.

"Thanks, Jason! You saved my butt there!" Brandon panted, relieved.

"Yeah. We should probably go back inside. I had enough excitement for today."

"You said it!"

Another image entered Brandon's mind.

"Jason?..." Brandon questioned hesitantly. His brother's face stared lifelessly into blank space, devoid of emotion.


Tears streamed down Brandon's face as he hugged his dead brother. A man ran out of the car that hit the now-dead boy.

"Oh, no! I'm so sorry! Let me call the ambulance!" he shouted, obviously not realizing what was happening.

"There's no point," Brandon said, his voice filled with grief. "He's already dead."

The man called for help anyways, and soom the medics came and confirmed the horrible truth.

Brandon's beloved brother, that had saved his life before he got hit by a car, got hit by a car himself.

And he couldn't to anything to save him.

Then, it hit Brandon.

That's why Jason decided to come down again with William.

That's why he seemed to care about me.

It was because we were brothers.

Author's Note:

Hello!😁 Vanguard here again! Sorry about neglecting to update over the weekend! I hope this longer chapter made up for it?...😶

Anyways, thank you if you read this! I'll be updating as much as possible!

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