Hi Mark!

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*back to the present*

Zoë's POV
"Alfie, Alfie, wakey , wakey gorgeous"I said to Alfie trying to wake him up cause it was already 10am.

"Ugh 10 more minutes."he groaned

"Ok so if I give you a cuddle will you wake up?"I said

"Well only if you add a kiss to it" he said cheekily and I just giggled

"Alright." I agreed. I hopped right next to Alfie on the bed and gave him a big warm cuddle , then I turned my head and started kissing his lips softly. He then opened his mouth but I pulled away and said "Hey one kiss"and then laughed. I pecked him on the cheek and said " Come on get up Mark is going to be here in 2 hours"

I went up to my makeup cupboard and started doing my makeup and doing my hair. After I finished I undressed and as I was putting my bra on Alfie came up. " Perfect!"I said

"What?" Alfie said

"Well now that you are here you can clapse my bra."

Alfie let out a moan and then came closer,but instead of closing the bra he was pulling it down from my shoulders.

"Alfie!"I said he just laughed " You cheeky little nutter!Now please" I turned back around and Alfie poked his head in front of me and pouted.
I grabbed his cheeks and gave him a kiss, a very long loving kiss.he then did my bra and I could finally dress.

I then went down the stairs to the living room and Alfie was there cuddling with Nala . I let a little aww inside of me and asked " Can I join in?" and without any reply I sat next to Alfie and cuddled with him he then said " Zoë I have to go I have a meeting from 11:40am till 5 pm witch is in twenty minutes!" I pouted and Alfie gave me a peck on the cheek. I was a bit disappointed and said "That's all I get?" Pretending to fake cry . Alfie then turned around picked me up bridal style and kissed me passionately , he now once again opened his mouth but this time I opened mine two.

It was now 12 pm and Mark should be arriving any minute.
Beep beep my phone buzzed and it was a text from Mark that he is here. I rushed to the door and opened it .
"Hello " Mark said
"Hi" I said excitedly and pulled him into a hug "Did you bring your loaf of bread ?"I said and we started laughing so much.

After 20 minutes me and Mark decided to go get pizza and then take a stroll on the beach .I put a cozy sweater on because it was late September but the sun was out so I didn't take a coat.

When we finished our meal we went to the beach and sat on the cold pebbles .Me and Mark talked and talked and laughed so much ,as I was wiping my cry-laughter tears off Mark leaned in and kissed me . And I did something horrible, I kissed him back. We were kissing for a few seconds but when I realized that this is horrible I pulled away and froze.

Mark managed,unlike me,to get some words out."I I I am so sorry Zoë ,I I don't know what got to me..."

I stood up and said " It's my fault I should have stopped it ."and then I started running whilst sobbing into my hands. I didn't know where I was running . I felt terrible. What is Alfie going to think? Will this end our relationship? All these thoughts went through my head and made me feel even worse . Suddenly I felt sick so I took a cab home . Mark was not there yet so I just ran up the stairs and got under the covers.
Alfie's POV
Today I lied to Zoë. I said that I was having a meeting but in reality I went to my office because I wanted me and Zoë to take a holiday,so I booked us flights and a hotel in Dubai!
I was so excited to tell Zoë , it would be a very special holiday,I was going to tell her tonight.

I got home and I just heard silence.
"Zoë!Zoë?" I shouted I looked all over downstairs but she wasn't there only Mark was there playing with Nala so I greeted him.I made my way upstairs and found Zoë under the covers in the bed.

"Hey,what's up little one ?" I said

"Nothing " she said but I could tell something was bothering her.

"Alfie, I'm not feeling too great" and as soon as she said that she stood up and rushed to the toilet.She got on her knees and starting puking down the toilet . I rushed to her and held her hair back. I hugged her from behind cause I knew that her biggest fear was being sick.

Zoë then got up and shrugged me off. I was a bit confused. Why would she do that? But I let it go, she wasn't feeling too great.

I asked " Are you better now?" she turned to me and tears started running down her cheeks. I opened my arms and she ran into them, I then hugged her tight and didn't let her go.

"Zoë,little one,it will be alright." I said and squeezed her tighter.
She then asked me if I could bring up some ice cream.So I went down and brought up ice cream . I took two spoons and I opened the lid of the ice cream and put a plastic foil there and then placed the tickets to Dubai there I then closed the lid and headed upstairs.

"Hello gorgeous!"Zoë said"Do you have the ice cream? "

I handed her the ice cream and she opened the lid. She looked at me and said "Alfie what is this?"she smiled right after...
"Well I thought we would take a holiday to Dubai,just the two of us..."
"Alfieeee"she said excitedly and jumped from the covers to hug me.I kissed her passionately and she said " When are we going?"
"Well in 4 days" I replied.
"What , Alfie we have to pack and get someone to care for Nala and tell your subscribers that you won't be vlogging and stuff."

"Don't worry little one, Mum is taking Nala, I told my camera already today and I am going to upload the vlog tomorrow and we can manage packing in four days ."

"You're the best" she said and then grabbed my cheeks and pulled me in for a make out session.
In the middle of our session there was a knock on the door.

Zoë's POV
I pulled Alfie's cheeks and joined our lips. I opened my mouth and he opened his . I held him behind the neck and my hands making their way down to the end of Alfie's shirt. "KNOCK KNOCK"then the door opened and there stood the person I didn't want to see at all.Mark.
"Hey I just wanted to say that I have to go home because Teddy is not feeling well."
I knew this is not true because of what happened earlier.
"Oh okay let me at least hold your door." Alfie said
Alfie got up and went downstairs with Mark.I didn't even bother going nor give Mark a goodbye.

Mark left and it was just me and Alfie. Alfie was downstairs editing something and I decided to go and pack . I pulled out my mint green suitcase and started putting the clothes in. 1 hour......2 hours ..... 3 hours......Wow okay all done now just my makeup I looked at my phone and saw it was already 11pm I crept downstairs and to the living room . Alfie and Nala were both asleep so I put Nala into her pen and gave her treat.
Then I took Alfie's vlogging camera and started recording. I showed them how Alfie was sleeping and then I asked him "What are you dreaming about ?" No reply "Hm,are you dreaming about how much you love me?" He shook his head. This didn't please me so I started to give him a kiss on the cheek but then I started licking his cheek he shrugged me off, at that moment I turned off the camera and moved Alfie's head so that our lips were joined.

Our lips were moving in slow rate both of us enjoying every moment. Then Alfie said " I I was dreaming about us being married,having a child and a white pug." I cupped Alfie's head into my small cold hands and and kissed him. We then went up and headed to sleep.

This is my fav chapter yet.
Wow 1477 words!!!

The next chapter (ZALFIE)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя