Poppy the Hero

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Hello I just wanted to say thanks for over 120 reads! And as Alfie would say " that's sick !"
Also the photo above is from Alfie's vlog when Zoë quickly kissed him and I needed to slow it down to get this photo. So yeah! Enjoy!
Zoë s POV
I ran straight to the bathroom and vomited down the toilet. I managed not to wake up Alfie or Nala . I looked at the time 7 am, I knew that Alfie had a meeting at 8:15 am so I woke him up. He asked me if I felt sick but I lied and said no cause I think I know what's wrong with me. I made us pancakes for breakfast and then Alfie left.

Its now 11am and I finished editing my video that goes up tomorrow . Since I didn't want to bare the truth alone I called Poppy.

Z: Poppy please come to mine and don't tell Sean or Alfie !
P: ok but what's wrong?
Z: tell you later. 
P: ok be there in 10.


The doorbell rang and I opened the door and saw Poppy there.

"Hey Zoë " Poppy said
"No time for that " I said as I grabbed Poppy's wrist and took her to mine and Alfie's bedroom. I made my way to the bathroom and said " Pop , you should probably sit down for this one."

She closed the toilet seat and sat on it.
"So" I started " I think I am pregnant." I said it quite quietly but I could sense that Poppy heard it as she had a huge smile placed on her.
" Thats excellent Zoë , omg I'm going to be an aunt!" She hugged me tightly and after she let go she said " And how do you know?"
"Well, I am late and I had morning sickness over the past month and also" I said lifting my top "look!" I said pointing to my stomach witch was a little larger that usual.

Poppy observed it and then said " Zoë did you take a pregnancy test yet ?"

"No, Poppy I am too scared you see I don't think me and Alfie want a baby right now. It will ruin our lives!" I said bursting a few tears out at the last words.

" Oh Zoë ," Poppy said whilst hugging me " you stay here and I will go to Boots and grab some pregnancy tests because some fans might be there and that would only give media another chance for another stupid article!"

" you're my hero Poppy" I said wiping the tears away

Poppy's POV
I got into Boots and saw that there were not many people there. I got 2 pregnancy tests and headed back to the Zalfie house.

I got to the door and when I was about to ring the doorbell the door opened and I saw Zoë there. Her mascara was quite runny and her eyes were red from crying. We headed to the bathroom in the Zalfie bedroom and she went inside I waited outside for her. When she got in I heard the door lock but I didn't say anything because she would probably get upset.

I knew that Zoë and Alfie don't probably want a baby but I mean they are now engaged and they can't just kill the baby.

I waited 2 minutes outside and still didn't hear a thing then I heard Zoë start crying heavily. That could only mean one thing.

She's pregnant.

I tried opening the door but it was locked. Every few seconds the crying was getting louder and louder. I tried convincing Zoë to open the door but she didn't answer. I waited outside for about 10 minutes waiting for Zoë to calm down, but she didn't .

I couldn't bare it I knew that what I am about to do won't please Zoë but it was what had to be done.
I texted Alfie saying that Zoë is having a panick attack and locked herself in the bathroom. I immediately got a reply from Alfie saying that he is on his way. I just hope that Alfie won't break down like Zoë did.

I am going on holiday in like 6 hours and I should be in the airport in 3 hours but I wanted to get something up.
The updates will be a little less frequent but I'll there should at least be an update every two days.
Also did you know that Poppy's real name is Emma Poppy Deyes ? She said it in a blogpost
Love you lots

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