My favourite picture

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Mark's POV
I finished filming my video and headed downstairs I knew that Zoë and Alfie were back because I heard them when they came.

I got downstairs and saw Zoë cuddled up to Alfie and probably sleeping. Alfie was watching Arthur Christmas while resting his head on top of Zoë's .
" Hey ." I said to Alfie whispering trying to not wake Zoë up

"Hey" Alfie replied

" So how did the scan go? Is it a boy or a girl?"I asked

" Well....both" Alfie said
I looked at him very confused
" It's twins Mark!" Zoë said loudly making Alfie jump but then he pulled her closer to his chest.

" Oh my gosh congratulations !" I said excitedly

" I can't even believe it !' Zoë said

We then just chatted and I realized that it was 2pm already.

"Zo do you want to film the collab because I have to leave at 5 if I don't want to drive in the dark.

" Yeah sure lets go then."
We went and set up all the equipment in the bedroom and started filming.

Alfie's POV
I was uploading my vlog and Zoë and Mark were filming a Christmas challenge. I uploaded it and reading through the comments witch were mostly positive.

It was around 4pm when Mark and Zoë came back to the living room and Mark was now leaving.
He left and it's just us 5 . Me , Zoë , Nala and our 2 babies .
Zoë was editing a video and I took out my phone and snapped a photo of her. She was looking at the camera and smiling in the photo. I showed it to her and she said "Awwww, that's a cute photo."

"It's my favorite photo." I said and then Zoë cupped my face and went in for a long kiss.
*3 hours later after lots of kisses and cuddles*

"This is cute!" Zoë said

"Zach and Ariel ? I don't know Zoë I'm just not feeling them" I replied.

We were looking for baby names.

" And what about Beth for the girl ?" I asked

" Well but it's like my middle name and I wanted to give the girl middle name Sydney with an y because it's like your name." Zoë replied

" Awww Zo , well then we should give the boy a similar middle name to yours for example like Eliaz " I explained

" That's sounds cute " Zoë replied

" Yeah so like something Eliaz Sugg and something Sydney Sugg " I said

Zoë said then with a confused look " Well that doesn't sound right does it ? It will be something Eliaz and something Sydney Deyes ..."

I know I know it was a crap chapter you don't need to kill me in the comments.
Also did anyone else see Alfie's snapchat where he posted Zoë's hand with a ring where you put the engagement one? I nearly cried.... But then Alfie said that it's not what we think it is I nearly cried again..... If you didn't see that snapchat I'll insert a screenshot at the top along with the chapter cover.
Also thanks soooo much for over 500 reads that's crazy !!!!!
Comment down below some names for the twins now that you know the middle names. I would like them to be matching please. Thanks for all your suggestions lately and thanks for the lovely comment on my last chapter ( you know who you are) and if you don't I replied with a 😊
Love you lots
P.S. The photo on the top is a real photo of Zoë and it isn't photoshopped , I don't even know how to use photoshop 😂😂😂

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