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Sorry guys that I didn't upload yesterday but today's the first day of school!
Just wanted to let you know that I'll upload every week at least 3 times so not every 2 days probably . Also wanted to let you know that this story is going to end somewhere around 30 chapters(updates don't count) however I am also writing a new Zalfie story witch is very different
to this one but it'll be really good and I'm going to publish it after this one ends.
Alfie's POV
*next morning*
' YouTube's British vlogger , Zoella taken to hospital after she apparently fainted after hundreds of fans coming to her house congratulating her on her pregnancy.' I was reading an article and these were the titles.

Zoë wasn't still the best however she was doing better. She is breathing normally on her own and everything is okay with the twins. She was asleep for now .
I felt a light squeeze on my hand and as I looked down on the bed I felt a light peck on my lips. I looked at Zoë who had red stains from her red Christmas lipstick all over her face and said " good morning gorgeous."

"Hey ." She said sitting up
"Alfie is everything ok?" Zoë asked looking very worried.
I pulled her closer to my chest and said "Yeah, you are doing much better however they don't think you should go home yet."

"No Alfie is everything okay with the babies?" Zoë said turning around to face me

" Yes Zoë everything is absolutely perfect." I said

"You know Alfie I heard you in the ambulance. I wanted to reply but I couldnt. why couldnt I ?"

" Zoe you fainted. You were barely breathing!"

"I know it's so hard with me . Every other man would just go away and leave me alone. Why didn't you, you knew from the beginning that this was my problem. Why didn't you leave me?"

"Zoë ? Are you serious right now? Because you know that I love you with all my heart and I would never leave you."

" Alfie" Zoë said cooing

I kissed her forehead and we hugged for a bit, not talking just enjoying each other's company.

" Miss Sugg." A doctor said as he opened the door

"Yes?" Zoë said escaping my embrace

"Well I have good news and bad news. Witch would you like to hear first?"

"Good " Zoë said without any hesitation . A worried look started to appear on both of our faces.

" Well the good news is that everything is going good and you may return home tomorrow and the pregnancy is also going smoothly. However there is a 40% chance that because you are not very tall and strong that one baby may not survive if it doesn't have any oxygen for a few minutes."

As the doctor said this he left and Zoë burst out to tears and started crying heavily into my shirt.

I thought about having twins from the day of the scan and it made me so happy. The thought of loosing one is devastating. I'm sure me and Zoë mostly will do anything and everything we can do save our little baby girl or our little baby boy.😭
(The emoji was my emotion😂😂😂)

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