The News

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A/N: This was inspired not only by Dramione, but also by one of my favorite Korean dramas, Princess Hours, or Goong. You may notice that the storyline is very similar.


"How is he?" Narcissa asked as soon as the medi-wizard exited the room.

"Terrible," the wizard replied, hanging his head. "It was bad for His Majesty to get Dragon Pox at his age. He's become very weak and susceptible to other diseases. The Dragon Pox will soon be gone, but the after-effects will definitely take a toll on his health."

Narcissa sat down, completely taken by the news.

"H-how much time does he have left?" the Queen Mother asked, able to retain composure unlike the queen.

"We don't know for sure," the medi-wizard said. "The after-effects can attack him anytime. And we can't be sure which one will be fatal. However I'll teach the Royal Potioneer how to make a potion for maintenance. I'll also leave the chef a diet."

"Very well," the Queen Mother said. "You are dismissed."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," he bowed low to the Queen Mother. He turned to Narcissa. "Your Majesty."

The medi-wizard grabbed all his paraphernalia and, accompanied by one of the palace guards, was lead to the kitchens.

"What are we going to do, mother?" Narcissa asked of the Queen Mother, her brow knit with worry. They were advised to not yet visit the King, as they may also contact Dragon Pox.

"There is only one way," she replied. "The Crown Prince has to marry. Soon."

"Marry?" Narcissa repeated incredulously. "But Draco's still at Hogwarts! He hasn't finished school yet!"

"We don't accept that as an excuse," the Queen Mother said sternly. "You of all people should know that. Or have you forgotten your lessons, Queen?"

Narcissa bowed her head in shame. She couldn't accept it. Her son—her only son—was going to be married. At seventeen. He's already lost his childhood. Now he would lose his teens. She always knew that he was betrothed to someone else. But she didn't expect that topic to enter their lives until much later. They'd all been informed of an agreement that the late King Abraxas got into with his friend. And surprisingly, this friend of his had been a Muggleborn. She could only hope that the man's granddaughter was at least a half-blood.

"Inform Prince Draco as soon as possible," the Queen Mother said.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Narcissa replied in a low voice.

Draco wasn't aware of the goings-on in the palace and quite frankly, doesn't really care. He was never comfortable of being the Prince. Sure he liked being rich and treated like, well, royalty, but he didn't like the publicity. He hated how much the people wanted to be in their lives. He hated how the people took away his family. He hated how they made him run away from his childhood. He hated how they turned him into a cold-hearted man.

So upon entering Hogwarts, he forgot about his life as a royal. Only when he went home did he go back to his damned life as a prince. No one in school knew who he really was except Blaise, Theo, Crabbe, Goyle and of course, Pansy. Everyone thinks it's so cool to be part of the Royal Family. In his opinion, it is complete and utter bullshit.

Unfortunately, he was still unable to completely escape his real life at school. He was still called from time to time.

Like now, for instance. He was walking to the Headmaster's office, knowing that their butler, Edison, would be waiting for him there. He'd been in their family for so long that he sometimes got mistaken as his grandfather. He never got to encounter much of his real grandfather. He was always too busy with "serving the populace," like his father was now.

Draco arrived at the entrance and said the password. He then waited patiently for his knock to be answered. To his surprise, his own mother was waiting for him, a look of worry and strength etched upon her elegant face. He caught himself in time and bowed low.

"Your Majesty," he said.

"Rise, my son," Narcissa said with a fond smile. She then motioned to the seat in front of her. The Headmaster was kind enough to leave them alone. "Sit."

Draco did as he was told and occupied the chair opposite his mother. He waited for the queen to speak.

"I bring grave news, Prince," she began. "The king is dying. His having Dragon Pox at his age may be fatal. And if it's not the Dragon Pox that will kill him, it's the after effects of the disease. Your father's days are numbered."

"I don't see how that concerns me," Draco replied coldly. He was never close to his father. He never spoke to him unless it was of royal matters. Besides, he took away too many things from him in an attempt to turn him into the son he wishes him to be.

"Draco," his mother sighed. "Please don't be like this." She stretched out her hand and gripped Draco's cold ones. "You know how this concerns you. You have to be married this year. You have to be ready to take over the throne any time and you must do so with a queen."

Draco's face hardened. "How much longer do I have?"

"About a month."

Draco nodded and then stood up. "I have to go, Your Majesty."


"I'm sorry, Mo—Milady. I have classes. Please give the King my best wishes."

He walked out of the room, his shoes clicking noisily against the marble.

Hermione, however not oblivious to the monarchy, just didn't care at all. Ginny shared her ignorance, and was even bitter about it. Parvati and Lavender were completely obsessed with who the Crown Prince could be.

"I still think he's at Hogwarts," Parvati insisted in one of her and Lavender's famous arguments of Where in the World Could the Crown Prince Be.

"He couldn't. They most probably shipped him off to Durmstrang," Lavender contradicted. "You know, to avoid bad publicity and stuff."

"What a pointless argument," Ginny, who was walking alongside them towards the Great Hall, whispered to Hermione

"Agree," she scoffed. They arrived at the Gryffindor table where the two continued their argument by throwing pieces of evidences that concern their position. Hermione sat between Ron and Harry who saved her a seat and began eating.

"What're those two arguing about?" Harry asked.

"Where the Crown Prince could be," Ginny supplied.

"There is a Wizard Crown Prince?" Harry asked, bewildered.

"Blimey, Harry, for the hero of the Wizarding World, you sure know little about the world you just saved," Ron commented, taking a rare break from his eating.

"But there is one?" he asked.

"Sure there is," Ron replied. "The family and the system went into hiding when Voldemort tried to take over, but I expect they'll turn up any day now."

When he finished talking and continued with his plate of waffles, a collective flapping of wings was heard and became gradually louder. Soon, there were owls flying all over the place, dropping parcels and letters to their owners. An owl dropped the morning's copy of The Daily Prophet on Hermione's lap. She took a sip of pumpkin juice as she unfurled the newspaper. She saw the headline and almost spit out the juice she just drank.

Monarchy holds Press Conference: King's life in jeopardy, Crown Prince Draco Malfoy to marry.

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