Hell Hath No Fury

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The words echoed in his mind over and over.

It's me. It's me.

But he didn't believe it as much.

It's me.

For the past decade he's believed that Pansy was Minnie. But here he held proof that indicated otherwise. He didn't understand what he felt at the moment. Confusion, that was sure. He felt elated, but it was overpowered by rage.

"Draco, please say something," Hermione said in a tearful voice.

He looked at her one last time and projected on her the image of Minnie that remained in his mind. And surprisingly, he could see it.

But there was something more important that he needed to do now.

He clutched the pendant in his fist and set off to Hogwarts.

Pansy had been aimlessly wandering the corridors at the time. No one notices her anymore, not in the halls, not in the House. There were still people who whispered at the sight of her, but other than that the whole castle seemed to have elected to ignore her. It was a good change of pace. She had been quite popular for a while, then Hermione took away that fame, and then she was famous again, this time for all the wrong reasons. Now she had time to actually do school work, since she still had to finish her studies if she wanted to go to Muggle university for her dance. Scholarships were now out of her reach so she and her parents had to reach a compromise, the compromise being no more fooling around.

She'd started thinking whether or not Draco would still talk to her after everything that had happened. Whatever romantic feelings he'd had for her was gone now, she was sure, but she would hate to lose him as a friend. Maybe she could still play the Minnie card, just to salvage the remains of their friendship.

Little did she know that she had absolutely no cards left.

She turned the corner, deciding it was probably time for bed, and saw Draco charging toward her. His brow was furrowed and his stride had a purpose. For a split second, she was very terrified.

He grabbed her by the arm and started pulling her with him. No words, all action.

"Where are we going?" she asked. No reply. "You're hurting me!"

They entered a deserted classroom. Draco cast locking and muffling charms on the door to ensure their privacy. The room was dark and cold. Pansy's fear heightened. She cast Lumos and lit a few candles she found near near the door. The dim light only made Draco seem angrier.

"Sit down," he seethed. Pansy was too scared to ask why, so she just did as was told. She still had no idea why Draco was so angry.

"Drake, what's wrong?" Pansy asked. She saw Draco flinch at the nickname and immediately knew what the matter was. Her cover was blown.

"Don't call me that," he seethed. On the desk he placed what looked like a small bracelet, with a faded pendant letter "D". Pansy looked at the trinket and immediately remembered the first time he opened up to her.


Draco was obviously not the most open little kid. Upon entering Hogwarts, he'd established himself as an intimidating boy with a family so rich, he could probably buy everything you own. Sure, he was powerful, or at least used to be, but it was all a different kind of power. He needed to shut himself out from their affairs and choose his friends carefully, especially since he had a very big secret to keep.

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