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"Terms shall be discussed by the Council and the Royal Family," Kingsley said. "To our worthy jury, thank you very much for your decision. This session is adjourned."

Draco bowed and walked out of the Hall feeling hollow and yet determined. Bellatrix won this battle, but he won't let her win the war.

He heard a strangled cry call out his name and before he knew it, Hermione had practically jumped into his arms, hugging him fiercely and crying.

"They can't do this," she kept saying over and over. He rubbed circles on her back comforting her.

"They just did," he said calmly. "It's going to be okay. "

The two of them headed to the nearest Apparating point and went home, never letting each other go.

"I don't understand how it's going to be okay," Hermione said. "I heard them. They're talking about letting you go into exile for several years."

The lay down on his bed together, their hands firmly clasped. Hermione was tired of crying. She just wanted to be with him for as long as she could.

"You told me that maybe some force of the universe wanted us together. Why did they put us together if they only intend to rip us apart?" she asked. "What was the point of finding each other if we'd have to be separated anyway?"

"Maybe it's because there is no force," Draco answered. "Maybe they want us to write our own stories instead of following orders and fulfilling duties. Maybe there is no point. Or maybe there is. Maybe it's to remind us that life's too short and too unfair. Maybe because this, us, is something that we should fight for."

He looked her straight in her eyes and wiped her tears.

"Listen, I love you. I think I always have, I just didn't want to believe it. I have to leave, but me leaving means that you don't have to stay too. It's your time to be free."

"Unless Dragon wants to make me his wife..."

"When you married me," he began, "it wasn't because you liked me, or because you liked the idea of being a Princess. I remember you hating everything. The principle...the lessons...the distance. You did it for your family. But now, your family's okay. You don't have to sacrifice your happiness anymore. If Dragon asks you to marry him, decide on your happiness. You owe yourself that."

"What about you?" she asked. "I love you too. I don't want you to go."

"I know that Bellatrix has been planning something like this for a while," he admitted. "If my leaving means she leaves you and our families alone forever, then it's worth it.

"Remember some time ago, we talked about getting a divorce, going on with our lives. This is our chance to do that."

"I don't want you to go," she repeated. "I want us to be like this. Forever."

"Maybe we'll be together again. For now, we have to do what's best for everyone."


Bellatrix enjoyed this particular victory. The wizarding world already knows of it—Prince Draco is to be removed of his title, and Dragon was to take his place. She felt like she was finally doing right by her family and by her heritage.

Today was different, because after days of talking to the press, the Ministry, and the Council, she would finally face Draco Malfoy and the rest of the royal family.

While Bella was preparing for the meeting, a knock came on her door.

"Come in," Bellatrix replied in singsong. Draco entered the room dignified as ever, but Bella knew this was a facade. He was basically here to beg.

"Glad you can make it on time. Please take a seat."

"Auntie Bella—" Draco began.

"I prefer Lady Lestrange," Bellatrix replied.

"I apologize," he replied through gritted teeth. "Lady Lestrange, I only have three conditions."

"Straight to the point, I like it. Are you sure you wouldn't care for some tea?"

"Well, I'm guessing that's as far as your hospitality goes, so sure, why not?"

Bella gave him a smirk. She stood up and casted a spell on the kettle. She took the pastry tower, filled with different treats: from Victoria sponge and finger sandwiches to treacle tarts and pumpkin pasties. Bella played the gracious host, serving Draco tea as he stood with his back rigid on the cold metal chair.

"So," Bellatrix said, sitting down and taking a sip of her tea. "Shall we discuss terms?"


On the other side of the palace, Hermione was having tea with Dragon. Bellatrix had made sure he was given his own office, bigger than Draco's of course, but Dragon was still unused to it. So instead of making Hermione go to her office, he decided to invite her for tea.

"How are you?" he began, pouring tea into two cups.

Hermione didn't reply for a while. "Devastated. Betrayed. Hopeless. Disappointed. Would you like me to continue?"

Dragon realized in this moment that he would have to make this meeting quick.

"Hermione, I hope you believe me when I say that I had no idea my mother was planning this," he said.

Hermione scoffed and took a sip of her tea, her face set.

"But now that the situation's here," Dragon continued, "I would like to suggest that we make the best of it."

She didn't speak.

"You don't have to leave the castle," he said. "After you and Draco get divorced, we can get married so you can remain Princess."

Hermione laughed coldly. "Oh Dragon, if you think I have a love affair with that throne, you know absolutely nothing. I'm actually pretty glad I'm about to be free from this wretched responsibility."

"Well, if you don't want to be a Princess, I'm sure we can do something," he said hastily. "Hermione, what I'm trying to say is, I don't want you to leave the castle. I want you to stay here with me."

"What if I say I don't want to stay," Hermione replied. "Will you be able to do anything to stop me, your highness?" She said the last two words with as much venom as she could muster.

"Hermione, I'm only trying to help," Dragon sighed.

"If you're really trying to help, then do something about that mother of yours," she said. "If you excuse me, I think I've lost my appetite. Besides, I have some packing to do."

"Hermione." He grabbed her hand, but she shook his grasp off effortlessly. "Just tell me one thing. After everything he did to you, I still don't understand why you would defend him. He treated you horribly when you were in school. He hated you for your blood. He made your life a living hell. He was a shitty husband to you for the first few months. He even let Pansy Parkinson take him away in Bulgaria, while you were here sick. I don't understand why you continue loving someone who cannot even love you properly when there's someone who can do that better."

"And I assume you think that you can do a better job?" Hermione said with a laugh. She gave him a disgusted look and took one step forward. Dragon had clearly crossed a line. "Dragon, if you think this is helping your case it's not. You don't know how many times Draco has kissed the scar on my forearm hoping that it will just go away. You don't know how many times he told me that he wanted to take away the things he ever did or said, and he himself has wondered out loud why I still love him."


"Well, what?"

"Why do you still love him?"

Hermione threw her hands up in the air, hoping an answer would miraculously drop in her hands. "I don't know, I have no clue! Because honestly, if we choose the people we fall in love with, I wouldn't have chosen him."

Hermione angrily wiped away the tears in her eyes with her sleeve. She took a few deep breaths and continued to speak. "But you know what, I wouldn't have chosen you either."

She turned and walked away.

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