True Concern

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Draco was no stranger to getting stared by students in the hallway. He was used to some students stepping back or not meeting him in the eye. He was used to others just openly gaping at him. But because of the circumstances now, he felt very uncomfortable. The previous issues he was able to brush off, but this one was different.

He still didn't know what demon possessed him to go with Pansy. And it wasn't entirely her fault either. He made the decision to come with her, not thinking about the repercussions, not thinking about the possibility of being caught, not thinking about the scandal it would cause, and most importantly, not thinking about Hermione.

Sure, Pansy was his Minnie, but he couldn't help but hope that she hadn't been. She used to be so sweet. Now she was vile and manipulative. She knew how to make him say yes.

Hermione didn't deserve this. She didn't deserve to be with a cheating bastard like him.

And yet she's still there. He didn't know why she stuck around with him despite everything he's done but she did. He was grateful for it, but he felt guilty. He didn't know how to make it up to her. Maybe he never will.

He decided to take the less crowded route back to the palace. For once, he couldn't stand the attention. Dragon was lounging just outside the entrance. He seemed to be waiting for him.

"I found out," Dragon said. "How dare you put her through this?"

"I've put myself through enough shit without you rubbing this in my face," he replied. Before Dragon could say anything else, he continued to speak. "I know what you're going to say. I don't deserve her. She's better off with you. I know all of that."

"Then why won't you let her go?"

"Her staying with me regardless of how shitty of a person I am is her choice."

Dragon scoffed. "If she decided to leave, you wouldn't let her anyway."

"I have to protect her," Draco finally said, surprising both himself and Dragon. "And this—whatever this is I'm doing. I can't do it without her." It's taken him weeks to admit it, but he finally did. If his tryst with Pansy proved anything it's that he only did it to prove that he had no more feelings for her.

"Then why did you do it?" Dragon asked. "Why did you meet with Pansy?"

"Believe me, if I knew the answer, I would tell you."


"I'm surprised to see you this calm," Pansy said, immediately pulling up her walls. "What do you want to talk about?"

"I just wanted you to know that I'm not angry with what's happened," Hermione said. "Everyone expects me to Crucio you on the spot the moment I see you, but I understand. You love him. He loves you. We're all just victims of circumstance here."

Pansy raised her eyebrows. Her efforts seemed to have been for nothing; he didn't seem interested in her anymore. And she hated it.

"And while I blame you for what happened, I can't say that I don't blame Draco too. It was his choice after all," she continued. "I'm guessing I'm more...disappointed in both of you."

Pansy scoffed. "Oh, please don't patronize me, I am not going to apologize for what I did."

Hermione just sighed. She was feeling really tired. And Pansy was not even sorry for what happened.

"I did go to Bulgaria specifically to try and get him to cheat on you," she admitted. "I went there with the intention of having Draco leave you behind and elope with me. Because I don't care about the crown. Unlike you, the only thing that matters to me is Draco. I can have an affair with him and be proud of it."

The Missing LinkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora