The Royal Game

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Hermione was always prepared for anything. She'd always been a go-getter, eager to experience things. However, there are some things that made her draw the line.

Since becoming a princess, she'd known that she'd have to push her line further more.

Hermione had always been prepared for anything, except for what Regina was about to throw at her now.

"Good morning," Hermione greeted cheerfully. She'd received Regina's note earlier this morning that she was to wear Muggle casual to class today. It was a nice breather for her.

"Good morning, Your Highness," Regina said. "You seem quite...energetic today."

"I feel energetic," Hermione replied.

"Great," Regina said with a mischievous smile. "We're going on a field trip?"

"Oh?" Hermione remarked. She suddenly had a dreadful feeling at the pit of her stomach. "To where?"

"Milady," Regina said after a pause. "Have you been to the Pitch?"

"Ready when you are, Collins!" Draco called. He hovered in front of the posts, his eyes trained on the other person hovering nearby. Soon, a big red ball was flying and he managed to fly eastward to catch it with one hand.

"Great save, Your Highness," Collins said.

"Thank you," Draco replied with a smirk. From his position in the air, he saw three people enter the pitch.

"Collins!" a faint voice called from the ground.

"Excuse me, Your Highness." Collins tilted his broom downwards and began his descent. Draco started playing with the Quaffle. He noticed that one of the figures on the ground seemed familiar.

He flew lower and saw Regina and Madam Hooch coaxing Hermione into a set of Quidditch robes.

Well, this is bound to be fun.

"I don't understand why I must learn Quidditch," Hermione groaned.

"Quidditch," Regina began in her "lecture voice" as Hermione liked to call it, "has its roots in the monarchy of Queen Castella in the twelfth century. The Diary of witch Gertie Keddle, which contained the details of a game played in Queerditch Marsh was found during one of her travels to visit Scotland. She studied the game and eventually learned it. Since then, it has been a beloved sport of royals and commoners alike."

Hermione groaned again. In that short time, they managed to shove her into a pair of black robes. She felt a coldness sweep through her body, not unlike the coldness she usually felt when faced with a Dementor.

Oh sure, she'd faced Dementors, but she was deathly afraid of Quidditch. How quaint.

Madam Hooch was, as always, a strict instructor. However she seemed a little gentler with her.

"Now, kick-off from the ground," she instructed after saying the basics of proper mounting and posture.

"H-How do I do that?" she stammered.

"Just push your foot against the ground," she replied. "Keep both hands on the broom."

Hermione took a deep breath and kicked off from the ground gently, like she was parting the grass.

"Harder," Madam Hooch insisted.

Hermione sighed. She had to get over this; it was embarrassing. Draco, however, seemed to be enjoying himself watching her fail.

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