Draco and Dragon

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The next day, Dragon prepared for his trip to Hogwarts. The headmistress finally accepted his letter and he was to move in the castle tonight.

However, he still can’t seem to figure out his uniform. Things here in the Wizarding World were much more complicated than his simple Muggle life back in Korea. He’d done all his Wizarding education with his mum.

“Here, let me help you with that, darling,” his mother offered. While she was doing his tie, a smile played on her lips.

“Why are you smiling?” he asked.

“Funny,” she said. “I’d imagined doing this when you were a tad smaller. Now you’re taller than me.” She tightened the knot and tucked the necktie beneath his shirt, so that only the Hogwarts insignia was peeping out. She assisted him in putting on the robe as well.

“How do I look?” Dragon said, playfully striking poses.

“Dashing,” his mother said with a laugh.

The two of them approached the fireplace and grabbed some Floo powder.

“Hogwarts,” they said in unison, throwing the powder at the empty grate. Emerald flames erupted from the coals and together they stepped through it, emerging in a circular office.

“Your majesties,” greeted the portraits, bowing low.

“Lady Lestrange, Master Lestrange,” the Headmistress greeted.

“Minerva,” Bellatrix replied with a curt nod. She led them to her desk and they all sat down at the same time.

“Such an honor to have you here, Master Lestrange,” Minerva began.

“Please, Headmistress,” he replied, stopping him politely. “Call me Dragon.

“As you wish, Dragon,” Minerva said. “You will be sorted at the feast tonight, in front of all your classmates. I assure you, you will enjoy your stay here at Hogwarts.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” he replied with a polite smile.

“Dragon, dear, can you step outside for a bit?” Bellatrix requested. “Have a look around the castle for a bit while I talk to the Headmistress.”

“Of course, mother,” Dragon said, standing up.

“Would you look one of our elves to escort you?” Minerva offered.

“No, thank you,” he bowed to the two women and took his leave.

He wandered slowly through the corridors nearest the office. He saw the massive Quidditch pitch and several greenhouses. Also, at the edge of a forest he noticed a small wooden hut. He then heard running feet.

Soon, a girl emerged from around the corner. Her brown hair was flying wildly around her and she was clutching something wrapped in a red and gold scarf.

“Can you hold on to this for me please?” she asked. Dragon immediately opened his hands and she thrust the scarf at him. “Mind you, be careful. Better yet, throw the Dungbomb in the lake. If Filch arrives, don’t tell him you saw me, okay? Okay , thanks.”

The girl then ran toward the opposite direction. Dragon looked around for a bit and finally saw the huge black lake. He took out his wand.

Expulso!” The dungbomb flew into the lake and was gobbled up by what seemed like a giant squid.

He shook his head and smiled. His life was definitely going to be more exciting here at Hogwarts.

Hermione very nearly arrived late.

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