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Hermione Flooed back to Hogwarts the following morning. After settling back into her dormitory, she looked for her friends at the Great Hall. When she walked in, however, a hush fell upon the vast room. A hundred eyeballs followed her as she sat on the Gryffindor table next to Harry. The silence was replaced with a buzz of whispers.

“Is there something on my face?” she asked innocently. Ginny just shook her head.

“You may want to see this morning’s Prophet,” Harry told her, handing her a copy. Hermione snatched the paper out of his hands and groaned when she saw the headline.

“Oh no.”

War heroine, Hermione Granger heiress to Wizard Princess throne

Gossip, stares and whispers followed Hermione around for the rest of the day. She was very grateful when classes were finally over. She decided to spend some time in the library with Ginny and Luna.

“What do you guys think? Did I make the right choice?” she asked.

“Well, in my opinion, you only did it because of your family, so I guess it’s okay,” Luna replied dreamily.

“Aren’t you just…scared though? I mean, this is Draco Malfoy we’re talking about. He’s been an arse to you for ages,” Ginny added.

“Malfoy doesn’t scare me,” Hermione scoffed.

“I still think it’s too early,” Ginny said. “We’re young. We have lives to live.”

Hermione sighed. Ginny was right. She had a life to live and dreams to chase, and she was allowing herself to be tied down at such a young age.

“Like I said, Hermione, as long as you think the reason’s worth it, there’s no reason to be guilty,” Luna reminded.

Later that night, Hermione caught Ron burning the midnight toil alone in the Gryffindor common room.

Odd, she thought. Ron usually asks me to do his homework.

Regardless, Hermione was glad her friend was learning to do things on his own. However, it still seemed that he was having a hard time so she offered her assistance.

“Need help?” she asked. Ron didn’t reply.


Hermione pulled a chair and sat next to him. Ron gathered his stuff and stood up.

“What’s the matter?” she asked. Ron still didn’t say anything. “Ron!”

Ron started up the stairs. Hermione followed.

“Ron, I asked you a question!”

“What, you’re going all ‘royal’ on me now?”

“What,” Hermione said, began, puzzled and amused, “are you talking about?”

“Forget it,” he growled, continuing up the steps.

“Spit it out, Ronald,” Hermione ordered.

“Fine.” He faced her. “I can’t believe you are marrying Draco Malfoy.”

“Ron, I have no choice.”

“You have a choice. You could have said no, Hermione. How can you say you have no choice—?”

“I did it to save my family, Ron,” she reiterated. “I did it so they could live a better life. So no one would chase them for their debts anymore.”

Ron stared at the wall beside him. He was never good at anger management and often said more than he would normally want to. However, he still had a huge pride.

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