When the Cat is Away

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Draco flew to Bulgaria as soon as possible. There were different nationalities participating in the convention, which aimed to restore and strengthen ties between wizarding nations, especially after facing the threat of Dark Wizards.

None was more revered and famous than Draco. He was asked only three things: the Battle of Hogwarts, his wedding, and life as a married man.

All in all, the first day was very tiring, even though it was mostly socialization. He had no choice but to get through the weekend.

"What will you have for dinner, sir?" Edison asked once they retired to their hotel room.

"Whatever's available," Draco said while rubbing his temples.

While Edison was discussing the schedule for tomorrow, the food arrived. Upon seeing it, Edison frowned.

"Er, I'm not sure you'll enjoy it sir," Edison replied, wheeling in the cart.

The meal was very simple. A bowl of mixed greens, a portion of roast beef and mashed potatoes, and a bowl of sliced fruit. It reminded him of the Grangers'.

"This is fine, Edison," Draco said with an uncharacteristic smile playing on the corner of his lips. He began clearing the papers that were on the desk and started setting the table, much to Edison's surprise.

"Your Highness, please—"

"We're not at the palace," Draco said. "Let me help. I can do this. And you're eating dinner with me."

Edison bowed and smiled. Silently he thanked Hermione for her influence on him.

Pansy has heard all over the school how much Draco and Hermione's relationship had changed after that weekend. He's started teasing her less, and they were seen together more.

But that was not going to stop her. She booked a flight to Bulgaria, and was lucky enough to secure a room at the hotel where the convention was held.

He'll never see it coming.

One thing Pansy knew really well about Draco was that he loved being in water as much as he loved in the air. She knew he wouldn't be able to resist a dip in the pool.

It was early in the morning when she arrived. After settling in her room, she changed into her swimsuit and lounged at the edge of the pool. Luckily for her, Draco had decided to go out early to swim before the schedule of activities began.

His pale alabaster skin was glistening in the artificial sunlight that the indoor pool provided. He didn't even notice her because he dove in the water right away.

"Careful, Your Highness!" Pansy said playfully, as Draco hoisted himself from the pool.

"Pansy," he said curtly. He was clearly unpleasantly surprised—as she had predicted. "What are you doing here?"

"I just felt like I needed to take a break," she replied nonchalantly. "I'm flying back home this evening."

"Safe flight," Draco said politely, throwing his towel over his shoulder. He'd clearly lost interest.

"I want you to spend the day with me," Pansy blurted, surprising both herself and Draco. Since when was she this desperate?

Since she realized he wasn't hers anymore.

Draco nearly said yes immediately, but he realized that now was not a time to be reckless. Not when he and Hermione were getting along well. More than that, he had a title to uphold.

"Oh please, Draco," Pansy smirked. "You know you want to."

It couldn't hurt to have a little fun, could it?

"Let me get dressed."

It wasn't difficult to persuade him.

Hermione decided that she didn't like isolation.

While Draco was away, she first thought that it would be fun to stay at the Gryffindor Tower. She found the familiarity of the room very comforting. She knew those chairs, she knew the fireplace, she knew the stairs, she knew the drapes.

At the same time, it unnerved her how unfamiliar everything was. She barely knew the faces that came in, and the faces barely knew her. Well, they knew her, but just as the princess.

She spent most of her free time at the library, which she considered her neutral ground. Here, she was whoever she wanted herself to be. Even so, she couldn't focus.

"Well, you look busy," a voice whispered in her ear. It was Dragon, who had come to her apparent rescue.

"Looks can be deceiving," she whispered back.

"Come on, I'm taking you somewhere else."

"What do you have in mind?"

"You're not finding out unless you come with me."

He led her to a place she hadn't seen in what felt like a hundred years. Dragon brought out a picnic basket, a blanket, and a hat from his bag.

"Undetectable Extension Charm," she pointed out.

"I thought I'd put this week's Charm lesson to good use.

This was all thoughtful, but Hermione had no appetite. She tried to make conversation and steer away from the actual lunching part.

"You're not touching your food," Dragon pointed out.

"I'm not hungry," she replied simply.

"But you haven't eaten anything."

"Well, I had breakfast."

Dragon dropped the subject, but he had known about Hermione not eating. Ginny had told him earlier, and Regina had confided to him about it. That was why he orchestrated this whole picnic in the first place.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Dragon shouted after the giant squid rose from the lake.

"It probably smelled our food," Hermione said with a laugh. She took a slice of bread and threw it towards the creature, who caught it deftly and descended back into the water.

After spending the day together, Pansy was surprised when he brought them to the airport. She thought she'd done enough to convince him that he should stay with her.

Oh well. There's still next time. Besides, she had one more bullet in her gun. She stood on her tiptoes and gave him a peck on the lips. "See you when you get back."

"Say hi to the Princess for me," Draco said to Pansy's retreating back. Pansy raised a hand in farewell.

"Well, that was cold," Dragon complained, transfiguring the picnic blanket into a huge beach towel.

"I'll fix that," Hermione said. She took her wand and cast a spell that made hot air shoot out of the tip.

"Thanks," Dragon replied. Hermione sat beside him on the beach towel.

"This was great, thank you," Hermione said. Carefully, Dragon took her hand. "Dragon, listen." She started to slip her hand out of his grasp. "I can't...I like Draco."

She could see the frustration he was trying to hide. "Why though?" he asked. "I know how he treats you. I can treat you so much better."

"I don't even know," she confessed after thinking for a while. "I like to think that I'm kind of the person who needs to constantly work on something. I'm working on Draco. Helping him adjust to this. Helping him be a better person. You're already such a great guy. And any girl would be thrilled to be loved by you. She just can't be me."

"Maybe if I'd been the Prince—"

"Maybe," she repeated with emphasis. "You're not, and I'm glad you aren't him. I'm glad that you're so much better."

She gave him a peck on the cheek.

"This doesn't change anything," Hermione said. "You're still my friend."

Dragon shrugged, obviously disappointed. "Come on, let's get you back home."

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