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After the ball, Hermione was once again dumped into an endless pit of boredom. There was never really much to do anymore. Without the extra stress of being Head Girl, having to save the world and all that, she only had studying and reading to pass the time. So, from time to time, she began learning different skills.

"Look what I made!" Hermione said in a singsong voice, lugging around with what looked like a human-sized rag doll. She knew that she now had complete access to Draco's room. She found him on his reading chair with Alfred.

"What is that?" Draco asked.

"It's you!" Hermione declared happily.

"Seriously, Princess, have you gone mad?"

"Mad with boredom," Hermione groaned. "At least I did something productive. Now I have someone to beat up when you're not around. Even Dragon's not around much anymore."

Behind his book, he smirked. Maybe he finally got rid of his cousin for good.

"This Draco has a happy face and a grumpy face," Hermione said proudly. "I knitted it myself."

"You...knit?" he asked. This was news to him.

"Yeah," Hermione replied. "Used to knit hats and socks for Dobby and his friends."

"You knit...human sized-replicas of people?" Draco clarified.

"Well this is my first time...Not the point, listen," Hermione said. "I wanna go home."

"You are home," Draco replied after a short pause.

"Don't be thick, you know what I mean."

Draco marked his place in his book and placed it on the chair's arm.

"Princess, we've talked about this," Draco chastised. "You can't visit your parents because you have lessons."

"But I always have lessons," Hermione complained.

"Exactly," he replied with a smirk. He took his book and began reading once more.

Fuming, Hermione dragged the Draco dummy back to her room by its foot. Draco tried his best not to smile.

Later at tea, Draco saw Hermione discussing something with the Queen and his Grandmother. He had a feeling he knew what she was telling them.

"Ah, Draco!" his grandmother said. "We were just talking about Hermione's visit back to her home."

"That's good," Draco replied. "I've always said that it's about time sh-we visited them. I haven't seen them since we got wed."

Hermione's triumphant smile turned into a glare. She realized he'd been playing this game all along. Draco's smirk only grew wider.

"You're coming with me?" Hermione asked with a fake pleased tone.

"Of course, Princess," Draco replied. "We don't want a scandal on our hands, do we?"

Hermione very nearly groaned, but remembered just in time that she was in the presence of royalty.

"You could dance around with the actual me, you know," Draco remarked, seeing her prancing around happily with the dummy when tea was over.

"I'm not going to let you ruin this moment, actual Draco," she said in a singsong voice.

"Did you honestly think I'd let you go alone?" he asked.

"I'd been hoping."

Draco chuckled to himself and left her alone to celebrate.

Hermione barely made it through the whole week because of her excitement. Her bag was already packed come Wednesday (not that she had that much to pack). Draco was more terrified than excited, since this would be the first time he'll see Hermione's parents. Nevertheless, he was also excited as this would be his first try at independence. He decided against letting Alfred tag along, as his in-laws might think he was an overgrown man-child.

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