The Session

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There were no comments. The only noise that could be heard was the sound of scribbling quills. Everyone seemed to be deep in thought. Augustus Chapel, the Head of the Department of Magical Transportation spoke first.

"Dear lady," he began. "I've gone over your petition a few times last night. I do not understand how your speech affects any of it."

Draco couldn't help but smirk. He was not alone in his thoughts.

"I'm sorry you feel that way, Mr. Chapel," Bellatrix replied. "My speech was intended to recount my experiences as a spy to the Dark Lord. I believe I have gained valuable knowledge that may help us avoid any similar situation in the future—"

"Preposterous," piped up Douglas Appleby of Magical Law Enforcement. "Your speech was no more than an appeal to emotion. Your petition was well-written, Madame Lestrange, but your speech today has made me question your ability."

"Gentlemen, you're not giving her a chance," contradicted Theodora Trapper of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. "Perhaps you've forgotten that she was once your queen. She does have vital experience and knowledge."

"Council, if I may," Kingsley began, "this is not something to discuss right here, right now. We shall convene to the meeting room, then we shall deliberate."

"I agree with Kingsley," Draco added, speaking for the first time. Right after he said it, he felt utterly stupid. He'd contributed nothing to the conversation.

"Very well then," Kingsley said. "The Council will take this petition into consideration. We will inform you, Madame Lestrange, once a decision has been made."

Bellatrix gave a small curtsy and walked out of the hall. The High Council retreated to a small meeting room behind the large hall while everyone else had to leave. Hermione was invited inside to observe, but that was as far as her privileges went.

As soon as they entered the room, Chapel spoke.

"I don't know what possessed that woman's mind to think that she could be part of such a huge deciding body," he said.

"Now, Gus, that's just a tad bit offensive," Trapper chastised. "I know you're uncomfortable with the idea of having any more women on this Council, but we should recognize and respect the fact that she does have been through a lot of things."

"This is not a case of gender, Dora!" Chapel replied. "Yes, she does have experience, but it's very limited and sporadic! She was more than convincing as an ally to Voldemort. Has the idea of someone copying him never crossed your mind?"

"Honestly no," Trapper replied immediately.

"Gus, Dora, please, both of you have very valid points but I believe that you've made your case," McGonagall interjected. "Bellatrix does make a very convincing Death Eater, if I do say so myself, having encountered her brand of turmoil more than once. But at the same time she does have valuable intel and experience that may help us avoid a similar crisis."

"Thank you Minerva," Kingsley said. "At this point, I think we have explored both sides of the spectrum. Does anybody want to add anything else?"

"Well, I think we should think about the implications of having her on the council," said Head Auror Richard Pitch. "Does she have any foreseeable value to the decisions we might have to make? Is her experience and knowledge necessary to the future of this community? Things like that."

"Thank you, Richard," Kingsley said. "Any more?" No one spoke. "Very well. I think it's time we make a decision via secret ballot."

Everyone wrote either yes or no on a small piece of paper. The hall reconvened, everyone returned awaiting the decision. Kingsley took out each piece of paper and read the answer aloud in front of everyone. By the end, there was a tie.

"That's impossible, there's twenty-one of us," Appleby said.

"The royal highness has opted to not cast a vote, since Bellatrix is a relative," Kingsley replied.

"We can't have that," Chapel said. "He must cast a vote."

"I will," Draco said, stepping up. "But I need more time. By next week's session, I will have my decision."

Most of the Council members huffed.

"It is decided," Kingsley said, banging his mallet. "Madame Lestrange, the decision shall be revealed at next week's session. Please be present. This session is adjourned."

Draco didn't speak again on the way back to the palace. He was thinking about a decision deeply. On one hand, having Bellatrix on the Council would surely be of some benefit to whatever end she was getting to. On the other, not giving her the positive vote would indicate some form of bias and rift in the family. Either way, he was basically screwed.

He didn't need any more bad news, but of course, it was bound to greet him at home.

"Draco we have to talk," Hermione said, entering his room. This worried him, because at this point they didn't call each other like that anymore. She gave him the newspaper, opened to the page where the latest scandal was. Draco read the article in its entirety, with Hermione waiting for him.

"This is not real," Draco said calmly. "I swear, it isn't. Yes, I have gotten drunk at Hogwarts a few times but I never did any drugs or illegal potions."

"At this point, I don't know what to believe," Hermione replied tiredly. "I have tried very, very hard to understand and to stand by you through all this."

"I don't even know why you do," Draco said.

"Oh, so now it's on me?"

"I didn't say that!"

"Maybe you'd still rather have Pansy," Hermione spat.

"Is that what this is about?"

"Why not? We never really talked about it properly, haven't we? How you lied, how you basically cheated on me the first chance you had. Maybe I should have left after all."

"Look, we're both just tired and tense with today. Hermione, please, I don't want to get into a big fight over that liar," Draco said. "I have no proper explanation for what had happened, and I doubt I ever will, because I refuse to go back to that. What I would really like to know is why you've wanted to leave so many times, but never did it."

"Same as you," she replied simply. "I don't know why I stay. You've lied, you've cheated, you treated me horribly, and yet here I stay."

"Maybe some force in the universe just doesn't want us to be apart. Maybe it threw us into this crazy situation because it knows that we had been looking for each other."


Bellatrix could almost smell the victory as soon as she walked out of that hall a week ago. Walking back in, she had a slightly more different gait. She felt confident, she felt ready. She entered the Hall and took her place at the podium, waiting promptly for the inevitable decision that Draco was about to make.

One by one, the seats filled. The last ones to enter were Kingsley, Hermione, and Draco.

"Welcome. Welcome all to the first session of the High Council of Wizards," Kingsley said. "I give the floor to His Royal Highness, Prince Draco, for his decision regarding the petition filed by Madame Bellatrix Lestrange."

Draco stepped forward and started to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he began, "Madame Lestrange, I formally welcome you to the High Council of Wizards."

Applause was heard all over the room, but Bellatrix swore what she heard was much louder than was possible in the empty hall. What she heard was the deafening sound of victory. She'd played her cards right, and now the game was hers.


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