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Hermione had no idea what happened to Draco after their first Quidditch training. But then again, he was Draco Malfoy. No one could be exactly sure what was going on inside his head.

Her lessons were postponed the following weekend to make way for a function they were to attend in Godric's Hollow. Draco did not warm up to her, but both of them had to look good for the cameras.

The town square in Godric's Hollow was packed. The village seemed alive once again. The houses had been rebuilt, except, of course, the Potters'. The gardens were now alive with color, some with the occasional gnome.

They were the guests of honor for the inauguration of the town square, which had been rebuilt after the war. It was obvious that the event was well publicized.

Hermione tried her best to not get bored, to no avail. She had to pinch herself every once in a while to prevent her head from drooping on Draco's shoulder.

At last it was time for the ribbon-cutting. Hermione, Draco and the Minister stood together behind the bright red bow that was placed at the front pillars of the square's entrance. As the cameras prepared to shoot, Hermione saw something white and round flying towards Draco. Instinctively, she put her arms in front of him. The white thing exploded against her wrist, pain shooting throughout her arm and hand. Something sticky was dripping down on the ground. Soon, the entire place was in chaos.

Hermione was handed a towel as the cameras clicked madly. Their guards surrounded them and pushed them forward to move quickly. Hermione saw a slight look defeat on Draco's face before he disappeared into the car.

She never saw him again when they returned to the palace. Hermione was summoned alone by Narcissa. She wanted to know firsthand what had happened. While she told the story, her arm was being mended by the Royal Healer. There were small bruises and lacerations along where the egg had hit her arm.

"I don't know how it could have happened," Narcissa fumed. "We've been going over security for the past three days!"

"Has the culprit been caught, milady?" Hermione asked.

"Sadly, Princess, whoever did this managed to escape," Narcissa replied. "We have a group of Aurors already on the job, tracking spells and apparitions that have occurred throughout the incident. How is the Prince?"

"I—I haven't been to see him, milady," Hermione admitted.

"Very well," Narcissa said. "You may leave. Do try and talk to him." Hermione stood up and curtsied.

At first she was hesitant, but she knew she had to gather her courage and talk to him. He might push her away, but no matter what happens, she was going to get him to talk to her.

"Draco?" she called, knocking tentatively on the door. She twisted the doorknob, which didn't give. It was code for "go away." Hermione huffed and knocked again. "Stop being so stubborn. Come out and talk."

She waited for fifteen minutes outside his door. Then again, Hermione Granger was not known for her patience.

"Fine!" she called, banging her fist on the door one last time. She decided to stay and wait him out on the patio. To her surprise, Dragon greeted her with a smile. He'd been waiting for her.

"Is he really that stubborn?" Hermione fumed.

"Yes," Dragon replied.

"He can't be like that all the time," Hermione said. "It's destructive. He'll need help soon."

"Don't worry," Dragon comforted, grasping her hand. "He'll be okay."

No one, not one person, was ever able to lure Draco out of his room. Hermione Granger would be the first.

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