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Draco was back to hating Mondays once more. Over the weekend, he and Hermione drafted a pretty good statement, and that was what he clutched in his hand as he paced outside the Hall. He could hear scuffling from inside. Anytime now, he would be invited in to give his statement.

At this point, Draco didn't give a rat's arse to what the Council had to say. Whether or not he would keep his throne was up to fate. What he just wanted was all of this to be over, for his family to be finally left alone, for him and Hermione to be happy, and for Bellatrix to finally stop. If this meant having his throne, his title, and everything else stripped away, then he was fine with it.

Kingsley announced his name and the huge oak doors swung open.

His shoes echoed around the Hall as he walked inside. The Council and audience were seated six feet above where he stood. Maybe this was the purpose of creating a Hall this massive, to make sure that everyone was put in their rightful place. He used to be bigger than everyone else, but now he was the tiniest being existing in the Hall. This made him feel vulnerable and insignificant.

"In your own time, Your Highness," Kingsley said, pulling him out of his reverie. He clutched the statement tightly and began to read.

"Your Royal Highnesses, Princess Hermione Malfoy and Lady Bellatrix Lestrange; Honorable Minister for Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt; Supreme Mugwump, Minerva McGonagall; the Department Heads of the Ministry for Magic; distinguished guests, ladies, and gentlemen, good morning."

The words on the paper seemed to blur away as soon as he read the first paragraph. The sentences, the phrases, the thoughts—they were swirling in his head, but Draco knew he couldn't read it from a piece of paper.

"Let me begin my speech by saying I do not deny the allegations Lady Lestrange has presented against me. Yes, I drank alcohol as a minor. Yes, I did try recreational potions. Yes, I had a secret meeting with my ex-lover, Pansy Parkinson. Yes, I may not be the best man for the position. I was young, naïve, and selfish.

"It may seem a very generic thing to say, but these experiences have been opportunities for me to learn and grow as a person. Over the course of months I have gone through a transformation, from being part of a family known to side with the enemy, to someone who has to become a symbol of hope for many. In my enjoyment I had not taken into consideration the fact that I may have to return to my role as a Prince. After all, I was merely a child when the title was stripped away.

"For a long while I was confused. I did not know my true power, my true identity, my true title, and my true responsibility. But in the past few months, I believe I have stepped up to the plate. It may not seem like it, but now I truly understand my duty as the Prince.

"I realized that over the years I have not given credit where it is due. I am grateful for having had the opportunity of serving as the Prince. I am grateful for having had the support of so many people, regardless of everything I've done. I am grateful for having my wife by my side despite the challenges that the positions have given us.

"I leave the decision to you. Thank you and good morning."

There was a stunned silence in the Hall. Draco looked at Hermione, six feet above him and in tears. She blew him a kiss and whispered "I love you."

"Thank you for your defense, Prince Draco," Kingsley said. "The Council and audience must now vote. Kindly step outside and wait to be called once more."

Draco gave a low bow and walked outside of the Hall.


Bellatrix knew that the speech would barely do him any good. She didn't spend the last two days just savoring her victory, she had been working for it. She lobbied for the council and the audience to have her vote. She already had half of the board on her side, and she was more than sure that she'd done enough to steer the other half her way. Draco wasn't the only tie easy to sever. Their whole family was falling apart. The evidence was glaring. The Queen has never been the same since the death of the Dark Lord. The King was sick and practically in exile. The Prince is obviously too inexperienced for the job, as is the Princess who's Muggleborn, for Merlin's sake. The Malfoys were falling apart. It was time the Lestranges took the reins again.

Another secret ballot had been done without the participation of the Prince. He was outside in the hall awaiting their verdict.

Kingsley Shacklebolt took the ballots and they called in Draco once again.

The air in the Hall was tense as everyone waited with bated breath for a decision that could change the course of history. Should the Council vote in the affirmative, the Prince will be replaced by Dragon Lestrange. Should they vote in the negative, Bellatrix Lestrange will have the shortest term as High Council member in history.

One by one, Kingsley read the ballots, and by the end a decision is clear.

"With a vote of thirty to twelve, Draco Malfoy is hereby removed from his duties and responsibilities as the Royal Prince."

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