The Marriage Clause

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On the other side of the world, there was another Wizard Prince.

Dragomir Lestrange wasn't always the "kid who talked funny English." When he was in England, he was a Prince-in-training. His grandfather was at the throne and his father Rodolphus was the Prince. That was until Voldemort killed his father. His mother had to send him to Seoul to save his life while she worked for Voldemort as a loyal follower.

Dragomir enjoyed life in Seoul. There were no pressures. He was free. He had many friends. He enjoyed the food, the culture and the people.

Only on the previous year, the Dark reign of Lord Voldemort was ended by a boy named Harry Potter. Only recently, the royal family revealed itself once more, the Malfoys being at the throne. Lucius had replaced his father as King. Of course, it had always been the Blacks who had the Royal blood.

His mother told him the previous night that they were going home, but no. He was home.

"Ready?" she asked, walking into his room as he packed his things. His mother arrived the night before to accompany him back to Scotland.

"Aniyo," he said. His mother sighed.

"You know, I do not understand the language here, Prince," she said.

"Eomma, can you please stop calling me that?" Dragomir requested. "I'm not a Prince anymore. Draco is."

His mother sat down on the bed and reached out for his hand. "You still are the rightful Prince." She the stood up and kissed the top of his forehead. "You still are."

Since the news broke out that Draco was the Prince, he had been spending most of his time trying hard not to draw attention to himself. He usually stayed inside his dormitory instead of the library to do homework, and refused to socialize with anyone else except his circle of friends. Sometimes he wished he'd done better in his previous years so he instead of Theodore Nott could have been the Head Boy. Then again, the price to pay was sharing a common room with Hermione Granger.

"Draco?" came Pansy's voice from the other side of the door.

"It's open," Draco said. Pansy entered and gave a small curtsy. "I appreciate the absence of 'Your Majesty,' 'Your Highness' and 'Prince,' but you didn't have to curtsy."

"Sorry. My parents… anyway," she shrugged. "The Queen and Queen Mother are downstairs. They want to talk to you."

"I'll be downstairs in a bit, thank you," he said. Pansy curtsied again before leaving. Draco groaned and covered his face with his hands.

He made his way downstairs and found that the common room had been emptied of students. His mother was sitting on the highest chair in the room, next to his grandmother.

"Your Majesties," Draco greeted, bowing low. The queens acknowledged it and motioned for him to sit down in front of them.

"You are aware that you are to be married in a month," the Queen said.

Draco immediately bunched his fists and tried very hard to keep his composure. "Yes, milady."

"There is no more need for convincing anyone to be your bride," the Queen Mother continued. "You are betrothed to someone, thanks to the late King Cygnus.

"A long time ago your grandfather met Roger Walters while they were at Hogwarts. Your grandfather, of course, was a Slytherin. Roger was a Gryffindor and a halfblood. Nevertheless, they were best friends.

"Eventually, time came for them to separate. Your grandfather had duties as a Royal of the Wizarding World. He'd invited Roger to become his personal advisor when he became King, but Roger refused. He had fallen in love with a Muggle and wanted to be with her. So he did.

"However, before they completely went their separate ways, they made a pact. He promised Roger that one day, their families will unite. He will share the royal blood to his family. He promised his first grandson to Roger's first granddaughter.

"You remember your cousin Dragomir, I trust? You were born in the same year, and yet you are the Royal. Also, you are a month older than him. So you are to marry Roger Walters' granddaughter."

"I can't believe this," Draco grumbled. "First of all, I'm supposed to be prepared to rule anytime. Next, I have to get married in a month. Now, I'm supposed to marry and fall in love with someone I will meet only in a few weeks!"

"Draco, you know you have responsibilities as a Prince," the Queen scolded. "Dragomir would have had no problem with accepting his duty."

"Then that makes it easier, doesn't it?" Draco said. "Make Dragomir the Prince!"

"Prince Draco, do not make this harder for any of us," the Queen Mother added in a gentler and yet firmer tone. "It was hard for all of us here in this room to accept the passing of King Rodolphus. Everyone would greatly appreciate if you step up and be worthy of your title."

"Fine, marry me off!" Draco said angrily. "On one condition."

The queens waited for his bargain with bated breath.

"I can divorce her."

The queens looked at each other apprehensively. "Providing you are able to find someone to rule or produce an heir to the throne."

"Then I accept."

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