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Hermione started looking for Dragon soon after they arrived back in the palace. He was usually around, but she hadn't spotted him since the ball. She hadn't even seen him at Hogwarts.

She'd finally admitted to herself that she really liked Draco. Dragon...well, he was more like an older brother to her. Was that why he was avoiding her? Because she and Draco were finally getting along?

"Dragon!" Hermione called happily when she finally saw him. He turned and bowed low upon seeing her.

"Milady," he greeted. "Is Draco, I mean the Prince in his quarters?"

"I think so," she replied. There was definitely something wrong here. He gave a curt nod and walked past her.

Hermione returned to her lessons with Regina the next day. Her usual load at Hogwarts was slowly being decreased. First, she was told to take her finals at Arithmancy, and now she'd also just finished her last exam for Ancient Runes. She barely saw her friends anymore.

That day, however, lessons were not to be conducted at Hogwarts. They took a field trip around the grounds, where Hermione learned the different histories of each location. This was better, she decided. At least she didn't have to sit up straight for two hours.

As they were learning about the significance of the gazebo's arches, two hippogriffs flew overhead. She knew it was Draco and Dragon, and she felt a little hurt that he wasn't friendly with her.

"They seem to be having fun," Hermione remarked.

"Don't worry, Your Highness," Regina replied "You will have flying lessons again soon."


"No," Regina replied. "With a hippogriff. It's a different experience."

"So I've heard," Hermione said with a wince, remembering that time she and Harry flew on Buckbeak to save Sirius.

They watched the game for a while. It seemed fun until Hermione saw the two hippogriffs collide in midair. Both riders fell into the flower garden. Everything happened too quickly.

"Enjoyed your trip?" Dragon asked Draco while they were getting ready to go out for a game of Griffolo.

"A lot, actually," he replied. "I surprised myself. How about you, how was your weekend?"

Dragon shrugged. "Okay, I guess. Had to finish that Potions essay though." Draco sniggered.

"You should have been here when Snape was teaching," he said.

They bowed low to their hippogriffs and waited before mounting them.



Dragon managed an early lead into the game, but Draco caught up soon. Dragon was extra competitive today, however, and took the lead again. Draco took a shortcut around the towers and caught up to Dragon's hippogriff once more.

"How were Hermione's parents?" Dragon asked in midair.

Draco smiled. "Fantastic, he replied."

"I bet they were. How was Hermione in bed?" Dragon teased.

"Shut up!" he called. Draco remembered waking up beside her and smiled. He was caught off guard and his hippogriff bumped hard against Dragon's, tipping sideways.

Next thing he knew, he was falling.

He and Dragon hit the ground with a loud thump, the flower garden breaking their fall. Pain shot through his back and he felt like the wind was knocked out of him.

Seconds after hitting the ground, he was swarmed with guards and house-elves. He saw Hermione's faint figure and felt a little better. His ears were ringing and his vision was blurry. Not to mention, there were several people asking him if he was alright, none of whom mattered anyway. He expected her to go to straight to him, but was confused when she crouched on the ground away from him. He closed his eyes.

"Are you alright?" Hermione asked, helping him sit up. He nodded while groaning in pain. Draco was already being carried away by the guards. She gingerly put his arm around her neck. The way his wrist was limping made Hermione think that Dragon had a broken wrist. "Can you stand?"

"I think so," he replied. He winced when he put his weight on his left foot, so she helped him stand up. Luckily, one of her house-elves had stayed behind.

"Skippy, could you please give me a hand?" she asked.

"Certainly, milady." The house elf took Dragon's limping leg.

"What about Draco?" Dragon asked as they were walking slowly back to the palace.

"What about him?" Hermione replied. "You saw him being carried away. He has everyone else taking care of him. He'll be fine.

Hermione summoned one of the nurses once they reached their palace. He only managed to endure a sprained wrist, a sprained ankle, and several scratches and bruises.

"How's the Prince?" she couldn't help but ask.

"The worst damage was a broken arm, milady," the nurse replied. "However, he nearly endured broken ribs for falling on his back. Luckily he only had a big bruise when we checked. And several scratches, but nothing too deep."

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief. "I'll take care of it from here." The nurse bowed and handed the salve to Hermione, who continued treating Dragon.

"I'd been childish," Dragon said. "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologise for anything," Hermione replied with a smile.

Hermione felt lighter once Dragon returned to their palace to rest. She'd been informed that Draco was awake and back to his room, and wanted to check on him.

"Hello," she greeted, seeing him reading with one hand. She could see the top of Alfred's head peeking from his sling.

Draco said nothing. She sat on Draco's reading chair and waited.

"I would appreciate if my wife would at least ask how I am," he mumbled.

"How are you, husband dear?" Hermione asked sarcastically.

"Broken arm, a huge bruise down my back, and several scrapes," he mumbled back. "How's my dear cousin?"

"Sprained wrist and ankle, several scrapes and bruises," she replied. She knew where Draco was getting.

"I see," Draco replied. "Makes me wonder even more why you were so keen on taking care of him."

Hermione sighed. "If you'd been too blind to notice, everyone was practically fawning over you," Hermione said.

"As a matter of fact I was blind for a while," Draco said. "The pain was so bad it knocked me out."

Before things got any worse, Hermione stood up and left, slamming the door behind her. Of course, Draco had to return to his old self some time. She'd just hoped it wouldn't happen this soon.

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