Turn of Events

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Bella put down the paper with satisfaction. Her plan was coming along swimmingly. First, the egging, second the scandal, and now this. A third person had just come forth, an old "friend" insisting that Draco was both an alcoholic and a drug user back in his earlier years at Hogwarts. Of course, this one was her doing, but who wouldn't believe the article? Anyone who knew Draco Malfoy before he was revealed a royal knew that the boy was spoiled and reckless. It wasn't hard to peg him as the black sheep of the family.

In an hour, she managed to pen a petition which she will forward to the High Council within the week— and the final stage of her grand plan begins. She had already scheduled a meeting with the council for Thursday. She had several people to impress: the Supreme Mugwump, Ministry Department Heads, the Minister of Magic himself, and of course, King Lucius.

She was sure that she had at least one of them in her pocket.


Draco had no idea who this so-called friend was. Whoever it was, he was sure he was lying. Sure he had been drunk a couple of times (okay, maybe more than a couple), but he did not do drugs. Ever. The temptation was there, but he never acted on it. He had more sense than that.

He dreaded facing his mother with this latest piece of shit news, but there were more urgent matters at hand. He and Hermione were to accompany the King at the newly-reopened Muggle Studies Museum in Hogsmeade. He was to give a speech and cut the ceremonial ribbon. This was supposed to reaffirm their ties with the Muggleborns of the wizarding community.

"You ready to go?" Hermione asked, peeking in. She looked radiant in a simple lace frock.

"Almost," Draco replied.

Life had been swell so far for the two of them ever since they found out that they'd been looking for each other all along. They barely spent any time apart now. They were much more open with each other. They managed to express their feelings towards each other better. They were now definitely more than okay with the idea of being married.

The day was surprisingly hot and sunny, which was definitely rare. They'd almost arrived late to the event, only because the King seemed to move a little more delicately than usual. He was definitely feeling under the weather, but had obviously insisted to come.

He smiled as he stepped up to the podium and the crowd became very quiet. Most of the people there studied his every movement, like they were unsure if this was the same man who had stood with the Dark Lord nearly a year ago. A few were still apprehensive, refusing to look him in the eye.

His ragged breath could be heard over the silence. Draco was preparing to stand up and take his father's place—there was definitely something wrong since he still hasn't spoken. When he finally opened his mouth, he took another ragged breath before collapsing to the ground.

It seems as if the stars had aligned for Bellatrix. She didn't expect this turn of events, but she was thankful nonetheless. Word from the palace about the King's condition and the compromise reached her immediately, and she was happy to have one more leg up in this match.

This family wouldn't know what hit them.

Upon Hermione's insistence, she and Draco stayed in the room with the rest of the family, waiting for King Lucius to wake up. The Queen was by his side, holding his hand firmly, while Cassie kept her hands busy, arranging flowers and fluffing pillows.

The Healer said he had suffered from a heat stroke. He'd already prescribed some potions, but advised that the King rest for several weeks. His immune system was still quite vulnerable after his bout with Dragon Pox months ago, and at this point they were unsure whether or not it would return to normal ever again.

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