The Beginning of the End

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Kingsley cleared his throat.

"Thank you for the decision, Your Highness," he said. "From this day forward, Lady Bellatrix Lestrange shall be part of the High Council of Wizards. The first session shall begin in ten minutes. Thank you all."

Triumphantly, Bellatrix walked out of the room to prepare for the first session. She already prepared a new petition in anticipation of this event.

On her way back she was met by no less than the Queen.

"Oh, hello, Cissa," Bellatrix said with a smile. "Fancy meeting you here. I didn't know you dabbled with government nowadays."

"I only dabble when I know someone is trying to mess with it," she replied.

"Is that an accusation?"

"Bella, you and I know that you don't dabble in politics unless you want something out of it," Cissa explained.

"Wait and see, Cissy," Bella replied with a smile.

In five minutes the council resumed session. There was a tense hush about the room, as for the first time Bellatrix Lestrange seated with the High Council.

"If I may," Bella began as soon as Kingsley announced the council was back in session, "I would like to forward to the council another petition. One of grave importance to the welfare of the community."

"Let's hope it's not to replace the rest of the Council, eh, milady?" said Chapel.

"Certainly not," Bellatrix replied with a smile. Not exactly.

The folders were passed around and Bellatrix eagerly awaited everyone's reactions, especially Draco's. Everyone's eyes grew wide as they read the first page, and they all turned to look at the subject of the current petition.

Draco need not wonder why everyone stared at him like he was about to die as soon as he read the title.

A Petition to Remove His Royal Highness Draco Abraxas Black-Malfoy from all Duties and Responsibilities as the Royal Prince

"Would you care to elaborate, your ladyship?" Draco managed to ask calmly.

"Your Highness, you hold in your hands the very reason why you are unfit for the position you currently hold," Bellatrix replied with the same tone. "My dear colleagues, I am sure that you agree with me when I say that Prince Draco Malfoy should be removed from the throne."

"Not really, I would like for you to elaborate this," Minerva said in a cold tone.

"Very well then.

"First and foremost, there is the glaring evidence that His Highness is unacceptable as a symbol to the rest of the community. I'm sure you have heard about his rendezvous with a Miss Pansy Parkinson while supposedly away on business in Bulgaria. Not to mention, a student and old friend of His Highness came forward just two weeks ago, revealing that the Prince was an alcohol and drug abuser."

"No confirmations have been made regarding these allegations," Minerva answered. Draco had no idea why the Headmistress was saving his arse, but he was grateful nonetheless.

"Nor any denials," Bellatrix said. "Now, may I continue?"

"As of the moment we've heard enough, Milady," Kingsley said. "These accusations are far too grave for us to be able to decide on our own. I propose that we hold court for this petition. Lady Bellatrix, you will be given a chance to further explain your petition, and Prince Draco will be given a chance to defend himself. After both sides have said their peace, the Council, as well as the immediate audience, shall give their decisions. All those in favor say 'aye.'"

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