Chapter One

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I pad down the stairs of Kota's house and into the kitchen where I thought I would find the boys, but instead I come face to face with Erica. "Oh, good morning." I chirp.

"Good morning, Sang. Would you like some breakfast?" She asks.

I nod my head. "Yes, Please." I take a seat at the table. I focus to see if I can hear any of the boys around the house but frown when I can't. "Where is everyone?" Last night Nathan, Kota, Victor and I stayed here at Kota's house watching a movie while the others were on Academy missions. I haven't really seen North, Silas or any of the others in a couple of days and I can't help but miss them dearly now that I'm all alone.

"Kota, Nathan and Victor left early this morning. There was a phone call from North wanting their help at the Diner or something." She sets a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon and toast in front of me. I don't hesitate to dig in. Erica sits down in her chair with a coffee and picks up the book that was placed on the table. I almost spit the mouth full of eggs I had in my mouth all over the place when I see the title. Erica chuckles behind the book. "I may be getting old, sweetie, but I need a bit of loving in my life."

I swallow my food. "I'm not judging. I'm just surprised." And I was. I mean, Erica isn't old and she is a single Mom of two. She needs some sort of fun in her life. Even if it is through a book, even though I have never read it but heard ploanedy about it.

"I know." She places the book down onto the table. "A friend of mine at work basically begged me to read them when they first got released and became big. Now I'm a little addicted. I need a Christian Grey fix pretty often now." I feel my eyes widen a little. "Don't look so shocked, Sang."

"I'm not shocked." I manage to get out through my shocked state. Yep, I'm so totally shocked.

"You should read them."

"Oh no. I can't."

"Why not?" She raises an eyebrow.

I feel myself blush. Why can't I read them? I have no reason why I can't and for some strange reason I find myself shrugging and nodding my head. "Okay. I'll give them a try."

She grins before getting up from the table and going into another room in the house. I've eaten a few mouthfuls of food by the time she comes back. She places a book in front of me that clearly says 'Fifty Shades of Grey'. "This is the first one. When you have finished it you can borrow the second."

"How many are there?" I ask, picking the book up and looking at the cover before placing it back down onto the table and finishing off my breakfast.

"There are three but they are highly addictive so you'll get through them pretty quickly. Unless my son and those friends of his end up interrupting you." She smirks and I know she's being playful.

I giggle. "Yeah, most probably." Then a horrible thought comes into my head. What are they going to think of me when they catch me reading this? It's supposed to be...erotic right? Oh, sweet Baby Jesus.

I put my plate in the dishwasher before going upstairs and changing into a pair of yoga pants, a baggy t-shirt that belongs to Silas that drowns me and a hoody that belonged to North. I slip my feet into my tennis shoes, grab my bag and head back down stairs.

I'm just at the door when Erica calls my name. "Yes?" She comes to the front door and holds the book out to me.

"Read it, Sang." She says before placing the book in my hand and walking off. I grip the book tight in my grasp before walking out the door and over my own house.

When I get to my room, I drop my bag down onto my bed and head into my attic space, the book still in my grasp. When I make it to the beanbag, I turn the lights on low and stare at the book, debating with myself on whether to read it or not.

I mean, what harm could it do? Nothing really. It's a love story as well and I like love stories.

Inhaling a deep breath, I open the book to the first chapter.

Started With A Book: Fifty Shades Of Sang (Complete)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat