Chapter Seven

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I needed to cook to be distracted from Sang Baby reading that fucking book. I couldn't fucking believe what slipped out of her mouth when she left that attic but I could believe her reaction to when she saw our faces and then when she realized what had gotten our attention on my phone. She was so mortified and embarrassed. It hurt to see her like that.

I felt like fucking shit.

I let the others bad mouth me, telling me what I already knew, that I never let Sang have her privacy and that I was an asshole. I let them give it to me while Gabe spoke to Sang. When he came down without her, I felt even worse. All he said to me was to leave her alone so that's what I'm going to do and to distract myself I'm fucking cooking like a lunatic who's been starved.

I pull my jeep up outside of Sang's and grab the bags before jumping out. I open the front door and stop in my tracks when I hear Sang screaming out Luke's name.

What the actual fuck?

Dropping the bags to the floor, I start towards the kitchen slowly. I hear skin slapping together, moans, grunts and growls. Heavy breathing.

Hell. To. The. Fucking. No.

I stand at the doorway, willing my feet to move but instead I take in the fucking scene before me. Luke has a naked Sang up against the wall while my brother fucks her against it, whispering words in her ear that I don't even care about trying to make out. Sang drops her head back against the wall and screams out Luke's name again as she find her release, Luke follows calling out her name.

I'm going to fucking kill him.

But I won't even try and deny the hard on in my fucking pants just watching my Sang Baby falling apart, even if it wasn't by me. For some fucking reason, I jump away from the doorway as Luke turns. I hear him slide down to the floor, landing with a soft thud. I hear their breathing and my own. I'm angry at my brother for taking...oh fuck. I don't know. He wasn't taking advantage of her. He loves her and she was enjoying it. Shit. Now I'm looking for an excuse and I can't fucking find one. He still fucked her though. Yeah, that's an excuse.

I adjust myself in my jeans, not wanting anyone to know this affected me. Taking a deep breath, I make myself turn my eyes into a hard glare before walking in. "What the fucking hell is going on in here?" I bellow. Sang's head snaps up from Luke's shoulder and her green eyes turn to mine, locking on them. I know my glare softens at the sight of her fearful eyes a little. Doesn't this girl understand that I love her? That I would do anything for her? That she is my world?

Before my eyes they both quickly scramble up and my eyes follow Sang as she goes to Silas' baggy t-shirt that is on the floor. I watch as her beautiful, sexy as hell, petite body gets covered by the t-shirt. From the corner of my eye I watch Luke pull on his jeans then remove the blue condom on his dick. Good. At least he wrapped it up.

"North, please." She whispers. Taking her in properly I notice her hair is a mussed, sexy mess, her cheeks are flush and a beautiful pink, her skin glistens and her lips are swollen. I feel my glare harden a little when I spot the purple mark on her neck. She holds a hand out to me. "Come up stairs with me." She holds her hand out and because I can't deny her like the real fucking softy I am at heart, I take it.

Turning to Luke, through clenched teeth I hiss. "You're fucking dead." His eyes widen for a moment before he smirks and winks at me. Fucking asshole.


I know I'm fucking dead but I'm so goddamn proud and happy with myself and Sang. We both found pleasure in each other and shared an earth shattering moment together, a moment I won't be forgetting anytime soon. It was pure perfection. Seeing her fall apart like that was...just amazing. I got that reaction from her.

I don't bother slipping my shirt back on. I just wash my hands, wipe down the counter where Sang and I were...I grin as I look at it... Working on and then get back to the cooking.

I look up at the clock when I hear heavy footsteps coming down the stairs and note that North has been gone for an hour. When North walks into the kitchen, his hair is a complete and utter mess. His normal dark angry eyes look bright and happy. I can't help but grin. "Have fun?" I wiggle my eyebrows.

"Fuck off."

A/N: just a small update and because we hit 2k Read's! No more until Monday now :) who noticed the new cover and title? Also, check out my message board; I left a small note there regarding this story!

Also, I like doing a question of the day. So my question for today is; Where are you from? I live in the UK in a small town called Whittlesey, just on the outside of Peterborough!

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