Chapter Ten

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I wake up laying in between Luke and North. North with his head buried in my neck, arm over my chest just under my breasts. Luke with his arm crossed over my waist and his legs chucked over mine. His head not far away from mine. I smile when I remember North coming to bed and then dressing me back in Silas' big t-shirt and then kissing me sweetly before climbing into bed. Luke kissed me to, before telling me he loves me and we all went to sleep. No words were exchanged between Luke and North I don't think and that's good. The last thing I wanted was for North to kill Luke for doing something that I had wanted.

One of our phones vibrates on the floor. North grunts, which tells me he's awake before rolling over to see what phone it is. When he lifts mine, he hands it to me before closing his eyes and going back into his original position. I slide my thumb across my phone and open the text messages.

Gabriel: We're going shopping today, Trouble. You need a new summer wardrobe. Love you x

I type out a reply.

Sang: Okay Meanie. Who is coming? Love you more x

I grin. This is a little game we love to play though our text messaging sessions.

Gabriel: Me, of course. Victor, of course and then Kota. He wants to make sure that you reading this book won't fuck with your head so he wants to spend some time with you, even if it is shopping.

My phone vibrates again in my hand again.

Gabriel: Oh, and I love you more. Be there in ten.

At the last sentence I sit up straight in bed, knocking North off me causing him to roll onto the floor. "We need to get you a bigger bed Sang Baby." He grumbles, not bothering to move.

"Meanie and Victor will be here in ten minutes." I say frantically, getting out of the bed and crawling into the attic space for some clothes. I stink of sex and sweat...-the thought makes me smile-...and I need a bath, quickly. I grab a skirt and a white tank-top with a pale mint green bra and matching panties before scrambling out of the area. Coming back into my room, I find North still on the floor and Luke with his head almost under the quilt. I grin before leaving my room and going to the bathroom.

I start running myself a bath before going to the sink and brushing my teeth. Putting tooth paste on the brush, I run it under the water before putting it in my mouth. I look up into the mirror, taking in my bright, sparkling green eyes, flushing cheeks, still swollen lips and...what are they? My eyes widening at the small bruises all over my neck and collarbone. With the toothbrush hanging from my mouth, I open the bathroom door and go straight to my room. "What...what are these?" I say around my tooth brush in a complete panic, pointing to the little marks around my neck.

North lifts his head from the floor to look at me. His eyes widen at the sight but he turns his glare to Luke who is looking at me with a huge grin. "They're love bites, sweetie."

"Love bites?" I'm mortified.

"Yeah, love bites."

"How long do they last for? Any chance of them disappearing in the next ten minutes?" He marked me. I can't believe he marked me.

"You've got no chance Baby." North grunts. "They'll last a few days."

"A few days?" I repeat like a parrot. "How am I going to cover them up?"

Luke shrugs a shoulder. "Wear a scarf."

"I'm going shopping. I'm going to have to remove said scarf."

"Shit." He grumbles before burying his face into the pillow. I look to North with pleading eyes. He gives me an apologetic smile and shrug.

"You're a biter." I grumble to Luke before slipping out of my room and into the bathroom again but I can't fight the grin on my face. I secretly love it.

A/N when I wrote this, we didn't know about North, Sang and the biting in Canon. Just wanted you to know. I would change it but I can't without going back to other chapters.


I'm so damn happy with myself I'm dancing on top of the world in my head. I've marked Sang and she looks absolutely horrified. I had to bury my face back into the pillow so she couldn't see my grin.

"You're a biter." She grumbles before leaving the room and going back to the bathroom. I let out a low chuckle. I feel him move and I know what he's going to do so I scramble off the bed.

I look at North grinning at his glare. I shrug. "What? Her neck tasted nice."

"Her neck tasted nice? Are you fucking kidding me right now Luke?" He bellows. "I knew you had given her a couple but her neck is fucking covered."

"Sang's neck is covered with what?" North spins around at the sound of Kota's voice. Kota frowns, looking us up and down -not in a perverted way-for a few minutes. That's when I realize North and I slept in only our boxers -I found a pair of my own in the duffle bag I keep in North's jeep- and we have never, ever done that. Kota's green eyes harden slightly when he snaps them back to our faces. "Sang's neck is covered in what?" His voice is full of the command and he wants us to tell him right this instant but the bathroom door opens and Sang appears a second later at the bedroom door. Her eyes widen and her face pales slightly. Kota snaps his head in her direction and all he does is raise an eyebrow but I know that as soon as she's gone he'll flip on us. He won't let Sang see him angry. "Good morning Sang. How are you?" He ignores her questioning glance. He ignores the dozen of love bites on her neck. He ignores her sex, mussed hair from last night. He ignores the obvious. He ignores it all.

"Good...Morning Kota. I'm fine thank you, how are you?"

"I'm peachy." He forces a smile. "Go and have a bath, we'll be leaving shortly." Sang darts her eyes between me, North and Kota a few times before nodding her head and going back to the bathroom. The click of the door closing is all it takes for Kota to turn on us. His eyes are hard and dark behind his glasses. His face is going red with anger and I'm pretty sure I see North take a small step back. "Please, please tell me that they are not what I think they are on her neck and please, please fucking..." Me and North flinch at Kota's cuss. It's so rare for him to cuss, if ever. "...tell me you didn't."

I look to North, but he's glaring right back at Kota. "I have nothing to hide. Yeah, we had sex, we made love because she wanted too. She asked me to. She asked Luke to. It's what she fucking wanted alright? If you were here it might have been you."

"I don't care." He screams at us, gripping his hair and yanking it hard. "She got curious about it yesterday all because of a book. A stupid book my Mom gave to her. That book is a fantasy. It's not real life. She should experience it all from all of us when she is ready, not by a book."

"What's going on man? Talk to us." I say, not understanding what he's trying to say.

Kota falls onto Sang's bed and buries his head in his hands. North and I pull on our jeans and for the next twenty minutes, we sit and listen and he tells us what's been bothering him, even when Gabe and Victor join us.

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